Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Croatian Republic

01/28/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Croats in Vojvodina, Serbia enjoy Croatia’s full support

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Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Saturday visited Subotica, where he attended the traditional cultural event "Veliko Prelo", organized by the Croatian National Council of Serbia and the "Bunjevačko Kolo" Croatian Cultural Centre from Subotica.

"The importance of Veliko Prelo for the preservation of unity, heritage and identity of Bunjevci is immeasurable," Grlić Radman underscored, thanking all those who stayed in the region to preserve their Croatian language, identity, customs and religion, with constant support from the Catholic Church, even in times of great challenges.

"Unfortunately, there have been attempts to assimilate Bunjevci and their cultural heritage, but Croatia will never concede. The legitimate Croatian political representatives in Serbia will have the Croatian Government's full support in defending their national identity. Strategic projects such as the Croatia House and the establishment of a Croatian educational centre will enjoy our direct support," the minister said.

Grlić Radman highlighted the unity and support for Croats in Serbia as well as their contribution to Serbia's European path. "The Croats who live in Vojvodina and throughout Serbia will remain the strongest bridge between the two countries. Now that they have a representative, they have become stakeholders in the central government of Serbia and can significantly contribute to Serbia's EU accession as well as the country's adoption of all democratic standards and the fulfilment of required criteria," he underlined.

During his visit to Subotica, Grlić Radman toured the under-construction Croatia House and met with the leadership of the Croatian National Council headed by Jasna Vojnić. The officials discussed the strengthening of the status of the Croat minority in Serbia, with Grlić Radman underscoring the Croatian Government's full support for the activities and projects of this umbrella institution.

In addition, the minister met with the Leader of the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina and Minister of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, Tomislav Žigmanov. The two officials discussed the current social and political situation in Serbia, emphasizing the importance of cooperation with legitimate Croatian political representatives for the advancement of the status of Croats both in Vojvodina and in Serbia as a whole.

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