
Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce

09/05/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Statement from Allegheny Conference on Community Development Chief Executive Officer Stefani Pashman regarding Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel

Statement from Allegheny Conference on Community Development Chief Executive Officer Stefani Pashman regarding Nippon Steel's acquisition of U.S. Steel

PITTSBURGH - September 5, 2024
- "U.S. Steel has been a cornerstone of domestic steel production for more than a century and, for much of its history, has been headquartered in the Pittsburgh region. Nationally and globally recognized as a leader in steel production, southwestern Pennsylvania has been integral in U.S. Steel's operations - and in turn, their commitment has had a profound effect on our region's economy.

"Throughout the past few years, U.S. Steel has struggled to define an economic future that ensures its leadership in the global steel economy, positions itself for growth, transitions operations for a low-carbon future, and invests in the workers and communities of the Mon Valley - that is, until now.

"With Nippon Steel's commitment to maintaining the U.S. Steel brand and positioning the company for a growing future in the Mon Valley, Pittsburgh is set to retain the company's headquarters, identity, workers, and presence. This is undoubtedly a win-win situation for the people of our region, promising a brighter economic future.

"As a region, we have been similarly challenged with positioning ourselves for future growth. We must be hyper-focused on opportunities to grow our population and to stimulate the kind of economic activity that allows us to reinvest in communities, build an inclusive workforce, and ensure long-term prosperity.

"In Pittsburgh, every job matters, and every worker matters. We cannot afford to lose either. Whether it's a direct U.S. Steel job or one in a related industry that may falter with the loss of an industry in our region, it's our collective responsibility to ensure the retention and growth of our workforce for a thriving future.
"It's with that responsibility in mind that we must speak up and speak out. With the information available to us, we must assume, at this time, that the deal proposed by Nippon Steel is the best option for our region's workers and the future of our economy. That said, with the appropriate regulatory review and guidelines put in place, the Nippon Steel proposal appears to be what our region needs to ensure the future of domestic steelmaking in the Pittsburgh region.

"Until a Plan B is shared with our region's leaders, we must support Plan A - which clearly shows a plan for significant investment in our region's people, infrastructure, and future. There are pivotal turning points in history, and we find ourselves standing at the precipice of one, and we cannot afford to let our region - and our nation - lose now."