Delegation of the European Union to Japan

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 03:38

HRC57 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on truth, justice and reparation


57th session

Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on truth, justice and reparation

12September 2024

EU statement

Mr. President,

The European Union welcomes the Special Rapporteur in your first reporting to the Council on the activities undertaken by the mandate and your future areas of interest.

The EU believes that past crimes must be adequately addressed in order to build democratic, inclusive and peaceful societies, grounded in truth, justice, reparations, memory and guarantees of non-recurrence.

Access to justice, disclosure of records, adequate documentation, use of new technologies and preservation of evidence of serious violations of human rights,remain a major challenge to ensure accountability.

The EU welcomes your aim to connect transitional justice policies with the three UN pillars of human rights, peace and security building and sustainable development, as well as the gender and intersectional perspectives you aim to apply to your mandate.

The EU shares your view that States involved in armed conflicts should rapidly implement effective mechanisms to ensure criminal accountability and reparation for serious violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law.

Meaningful participation of victims and countering misinformation in a growing digital context are also essential in comprehensive truth and reconciliation mechanisms.

Technical cooperation of the mandate with States and civil society in a transdisciplinary and transgenerational manner can enrich the implementation of recommendations, and will contribute to prevention of atrocity crimes.

Mr. Duhaime,

  • How can we better support the victims of international crimes, particularly children, with innovative remedies? How can we better channel their experience for prevention and non repetition?

Thank you Mr. President.