NPS - National Park Service

12/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/09/2024 09:11

Great Falls Park to Transition to Cashless Fee Collection Starting January 1, 2025

December 9, 2024
Contact: Christopher Hershey , 703-289-2508

GREAT FALLS, Va. - Beginning January 1, 2025, Great Falls Park, Virginia-managed by the George Washington Memorial Parkway-will shift to a fully cashless entrance fee system. Entrance fees will be payable only by credit/debit card, mobile, or other electronic payment methods.

Adopting a cashless system enables the park to make better use of visitor funds by reducing the time staff spend handling cash. This approach increases the amount of fee revenue available for critical projects and visitor services, and it enhances accountability while reducing risk.

Entrance fees are $20 per vehicle. Fees may be paid in advance, or visitors can purchase a park pass. For more information, please visit:

Entrance fees are vital to improving the visitor experience in national parks, supporting projects such as road and facility maintenance, trail enhancements, accessible exhibits, and visitor and resource protection services.

Fee revenues at Great Falls Park have supported projects like replacing roofs and HVAC systems, designing and rehabilitating the park's three overlooks, restoring the visitor center courtyard, and developing a mobile visitor center that increases outreach and helps visitors learn about the park and its many sites.

To learn more about how your entrance fees fund improvements at Great Falls Park and along the George Washington Memorial Parkway, please visit: Your Fee Dollars at Work - Great Falls Park (U.S. National Park Service).