Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States

09/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 10:49

Mexico chairs 26th MIKTA Foreign Ministers' Meeting

Mexico chairs 26th MIKTA Foreign Ministers' Meeting

Press Release 359

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | September 24, 2024 | Press Release

Mexico chairs 26th MIKTA Foreign Ministers' Meeting
  • The Foreign Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the multilateral system, gender equality, and international cooperation
  • The group adopted a Special Communiqué on the Summit of the Future, supporting the Pact for the Future and its two annexes

On the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Mexico, as annual coordinator, organized the 26th MIKTA Foreign Ministers' Meeting at its Permanent Mission to the UN. MIKTA is comprised of Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Türkiye, and Australia.

Foreign Secretary Alicia Bárcena chaired the meeting, where MIKTA adopted a Special Communiqué on the Summit of the Future. The document expresses support for the Pact for the Future and its two annexes: the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations.

In the communiqué, the MIKTA Foreign Ministers emphasized that the Pact for the Future represents a renewed commitment to diplomacy and multilateralism, aimed at building a prosperous, peaceful, and inclusive world where no one is left behind.

"This document expresses our firm belief that the Summit presented a key opportunity to renew global commitments to multilateralism, peace, human rights, gender equality, sustainable development, and global cooperation," stated Foreign Secretary Bárcena.

Since assuming the coordinator role in March, Mexico has led MIKTA's participation in 13 high-level multilateral meetings. These include the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women; the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Forum on Financing for Development; and the 77th World Health Assembly.

Secretary Bárcena said that Mexico's leadership has focused on three priorities: strengthening multilateralism, promoting gender equality, and deepening cooperation among MIKTA members.

"By aligning our efforts in key international forums, we can more effectively address the pressing challenges we face and contribute to meaningful global progress," she stated. "We need to move from words to action. We believe MIKTA can play a more proactive role. By establishing a Cooperation Fund, we could support tangible, impactful projects across our regions."

On behalf of the Mexican Government, Foreign Secretary Bárcena also thanked the MIKTA members for issuing a declaration on the violation of the Mexican Embassy in Quito by Ecuadorian police forces on April 5th, noting that the statement reflects the group's commitment to defending international law.

In their remarks, the MIKTA Foreign Ministers acknowledged Mexico's leadership and supported the work carried out in multilateral forums. The members discussed plans for the upcoming months, including joint projects to support third countries.

"The scale of the problems we face demands urgent attention and unwavering commitment. Through our dialogue, we must forge a shared agenda that shapes public policies that lead to more prosperous and equitable development for our nations. By working together, we can develop constructive solutions to our shared challenges," concluded Foreign Secretary Bárcena.

The meeting was attended by: Foreign Ministers Retno Marsudi of Indonesia, Penny Wong of Australia, Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul of Korea, and Deputy Minister Berris Ekinci of Türkiye.

MIKTA, established in 2013, is a dialogue and consultation group whose members collectively represent over 8% of global GDP, 7% of the world's population, and contribute about 10% to global trade.