City of New York, NY

22/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 23/07/2024 12:23

Transcript: Mayor Adams Delivers Remarks at Flag-Raising Ceremony for Peru

July 22, 2024

Consul General Oswaldo Del Águila Ramírez, Consulate General of the Republic of Peru in New York: Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for joining us in this important celebration. Dear Mayor of New York, Mr. Eric Adams. Dear authorities, Commissioners Mermelstein and Castro, Mr. Sandro Stefano Navarro. Dear diplomatic colleagues and fellow Peruvians, I'm very thrilled to be here today as we celebrate 203 years of Peruvian independence at Bowling Green Park, here in the heart of Manhattan.

This is a very special moment for me. It is my first official event as consul general in New York. I just started my duties a week ago, and I feel incredibly lucky to receive such a warm welcome from all of you. It's fantastic to have Mayor Adams, the commissioners, my colleagues from other consulates, and the Peruvian community here. I couldn't have asked for a better start.

Independence Day is very important to us Peruvians. July 28th marks our commitment to freedom, self-determination, and equality, values that we share with the United States and New York. New York is a city that values diversity, and Peruvians bring their rich culture to this melting pot. We appreciate the city's efforts to create an inclusive environment and support the integration of immigrants. Peruvians in New York are involved in so many areas: arts, culture, finances, services, construction, law, medicine, and even politics. Our commitment is our pride, and we encourage everyone to stay connected with their homeland.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mayor Eric Adams and the extraordinary team of public servants in the City of New York, including Commissioners Mermelstein and Manny Castro, and to Gladys Miranda for her invaluable support. Let's celebrate today with gratitude for the strong bond between Peru and New York. Together we will continue to build a bright future.

Viva el Perú, viva Nueva York, viva los Estados Unidos. Muchas gracias.

Translation: Long live Peru, long live New York, long live the United States. Thank you so much.

Commissioner Manuel Castro, Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs: Ya está el alcalde aquí, así que viva el Perú, que se escuche, que vivan los inmigrantes de Nueva York, que se escuche.

Translation: The mayor is here, so long live Peru, let it be heard, long live the immigrants of New York, let it be heard.

I am incredibly proud to serve under a mayor who truly understands what it's like to lead the City of New York. See, the City of New York is made up 60 percent immigrants and children of immigrants, and this mayor has made sure that we celebrate every single one of the cultures that live and contribute back to the city. It's my incredible honor to introduce to you the mayor of the City of New York, Mayor Eric Adams.

Mayor Eric Adams: Thank you so much, commissioner, and really want to thank this entire community in general, but specifically your consul general. Welcome to New York. You have just started. We had a great relationship with the former consul general, and I'm proud of my staffer who has been part of my administration for many years. She's the ambassador, I would like to think, of Peru, Gladys Miranda, who showed the spirit and energy of the Peruvian people. When you look at her journey of coming here, learning the language, working hard, and able to elevate to the position where she is in City Hall, it just sends a strong message of the resiliency and the commitment and the dedication, and how much the Peruvian people are committed to this city and giving back.

The beauty and joy of America in general, but New York, is that you do not have to give up your love of your homeland as you embrace your adopted land. You come here, and you give back and bring that culture, and you bring the spirit and the energy of what it is that you learn from your homeland. I had so much joy and pleasure as I walked through Machu Picchu and visited Lima and visited your deserts and ate the food and the culture, the dance, the music, and your hospitality, and how much you offer to the greatness of this city. And when I visited Peru, my heart is still there. It is an unbelievable country. I don't know how you could come to New York when you have a beautiful home like Peru, but we'll take you anyway because we love you being here, but you have so much history.

When you look at the history that comes from Peru, when you look at the mountainous tops of Machu Picchu and how that history and culture were there for so much, your contribution to science, to reading, to mathematics, and so many other great things that came out of Peru. 203 years anniversary, think about that, 203 years of your rich culture and anniversary. You have over 80,000 Peruvians in this country, actually 80,000 plus one because I like to believe I'm an honorary Peruvian, so we have 80,000 plus one. And it took 110 mayors before your flag was raised here, 110 mayors. Some of my consul generals who are here, you too find that after all the mayors, your mayor, Eric Adams said you should be respected enough to have your flag raised here like so many flags were raised before this administration.

The role as mayor is to be substantive, to make sure yourselves in our administration like someone like a Gladys Miranda, but it's also symbolic by having these flag raisins so your flag can be raised right here, the financial capital of our country. This is our way of saying we see you, we respect you, we honor you, and you're very much part of the fabric of this amazing city we call New York. We're the greatest city on the globe because we have the greatest combinations of culture and people on the globe right here in New York. Thank you so much, viva Peru.
