University of Houston - Clear Lake

09/09/2024 | News release | Archived content

Moody Grant empowers first-generation students, strengthening the future of educators

Imagine a classroom where every child has the opportunity to thrive because their teachers are not only well-trained but also deeply invested in their success. The University of Houston-Clear Lake's College of Education (COE) hopes to bring this vision to life with a $583,590 Moody Grant, supporting 60 first-generation students in special education-focused degree programs. This funding isn't just a number - it represents a future where dedicated educators from underserved backgrounds can rise to meet the unique needs of young learners. Dr. Amber Brown, program director, said UH-Clear Lake is not just increasing enrollment by offering these students targeted support and resources. The university is fostering a more inclusive, compassionate, and effective educational environment for children.

"First-generation students face numerous challenges pursuing higher education," said Brown. "In addition to addressing the obvious financial barriers, this grant will address the other challenges by providing academic and mental health support, and support in navigating the university system."

The Moody Grant is set to level the playing field for first-generation college students by offering support to help them achieve higher education goals. By providing access to an academic success coach, the grant ensures that these students receive the guidance they need to excel academically and develop personally.

Students enrolled in the program will receive a $1,600 scholarship per semester for completing two classes, and stipends for books and exam fees. In addition to having access to an academic success coach for mentorship, tutoring, and academic support, students will have access to discretionary funds for emergency needs, resources for additional support such as mental health and wellness, and professional development opportunities to enrich their educational experience.

Brown highlighted how the Moody Grant will facilitate the persistence and completion of the dual Bachelor of Science in PK-3/ Special Education (SPED) Certification and the Bachelor of Applied Science in Educator of Young Children with an Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Certificate, addressing the shortage of qualified SPED professionals and UHCL's goal to enhance the rigor and academic appeal of the Early Childhood Program.

"There is a nationwide shortage of early childhood SPED teachers and early childhood interventionists," said Brown. "However, the population of children needing special education services is increasing. The grant's financial support and wrap-around services will attract students into the PK-3/SPED dual certification and ECI Certificate who may not have considered the field a possibility."

Furthermore, Brown shared that the early childhood workforce is traditionally underpaid, and obtaining a higher education degree is often not prioritized. The cost of obtaining a degree is often out of reach and seems undoable. However, UHCL's COE is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive pool of educators, strengthening the overall quality of education provided to students with special needs, and creating a positive ripple effect throughout the educational system.

"The Early Childhood Education Program faculty prioritize serving a diverse body of candidates in every aspect of their university experience," said Brown. "They provide high-quality student-centered undergraduate programs that prepare students to thrive in a competitive workplace and make meaningful contributions to their communities."

The COE's motto is, "Teach to Learn, Teach to Transform." This initiative is a testament to that commitment. The Early Childhood Education Program nurtures critical thinking and lifelong learning through its rich tradition of dynamic community partnerships. These collaborations enhance the program's historical emphasis on teaching, research, creative activity, and service.

For more information about UHCL's Early Childhood Education program, visit