European Parliament

11/24/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Deadlocked discussions on the allocation of bigeye tuna quotas in the Indian Ocean

Deadlocked discussions on the allocation of bigeye tuna quotas in the Indian Ocean


Question for written answer E-003456/2023
to the Commission
Rule 138
François-Xavier Bellamy (PPE)

This year, the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission has validated a total allowable catch of 80 583 tonnes for bigeye tuna, with an EU quota of 17 010 tonnes for 2024 and 2025, to be divided between Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.

Discussions have stalled over the reference period to be used to establish the distribution key among European countries. This stalemate stems from the unusual level of bigeye tuna catches in 2018 and the substantial adjustments to which it gave rise. If the ministers of the countries concerned fail to reach agreement at the Council meeting at the end of the year, the European quota may not be fully allocated, which would jeopardise the activity of all the fisheries concerned. In addition to its tropical tuna seiners, part of Reunion's small-scale fleet also targets this species in the Indian Ocean.

  • 1.In this situation, does the Commission have sufficient means to find a compromise - such as an opinion from the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - so that all the consequences of such an exercise are taken into account?
  • 2.What compromise proposal does it intend to put forward during the forthcoming discussions on the matter?

Submitted: 24.11.2023