Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Singapore

01/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/07/2024 14:23

Speech at SAF Day Re-Dedication Ceremony West Zone

Speech at SAF Day Re-Dedication Ceremony West Zone

Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower, West Zone

1 July 2024
Group Chief Executive Officer, Singtel, Mr Yuen Kuan Moon

Chief Executive Officer, NCS, Mr Ng Kuo Pin

Chief of Digital and Intelligence Service, and Director Military Intelligence, Singapore Armed Forces, Major-General Lee Yi-Jin

Colleagues from the Ministry of Manpower

Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen

1 Good morning! Thank you for having me at today's SAF Day Combined Re-Dedication Ceremony. A big thank you to Singtel and NCS for putting together this event so that we can re-dedicate ourselves to the defence of Singapore.

2 Today, we live in a troubled world. The war in Ukraine has entered its third year since Russia's invasion. At the same time, in the Middle East, what started as a terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli communities now has the potential to escalate and involve other powers.

3 Closer to home, US and China have thankfully disavowed physical conflicts between their two countries, but Taiwan continues to be a dangerous flashpoint. In the South China Sea, it is also unlikely for us to see quick resolution on competing claims or positions.

4 These ongoing conflicts and tensions serve as stark reminders of the importance of a strong Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in ensuring our security and our way of life.

5 As our Founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew said in 2012, "Without a strong SAF, there is no economic future, there is no security". That stills hold true. Singapore's prosperity is dependent on our stability and security, none of which would be possible without the men and women in the SAF. Let us recognise and appreciate them for their contributions.

6 This, of course, includes our National Servicemen, each an ordinary citizen performing an extraordinary role to defend our nation. National Service is the backbone in ensuring the sovereignty of our country. It mobilises our precious and limited manpower to build a strong and capable defence force, ready to protect our nation in times of need. It fosters a sense of duty, discipline, and camaraderie, not just among the NSmen but also among the families, friends and employers who support them. I call on every employer to give our NSmen your fullest support, because it is not only a patriotic duty, but a strategic investment in your business success.

7 This year, as we commemorate 40 years of Total Defence, remember that we can never afford to take our peace for granted. Other than Military, there are 5 other pillars of Total Defence - Civil, Economic, Social, Digital and Psychological Defence. So, we can each play a part in our own way. Employers can contribute to the economic and social resilience of our nation by upholding fair and sustainable employment practices and fostering harmonious industrial relations.

8 As workers and Singaporeans, we can also uphold social cohesion in our daily interactions. Foster understanding, empathy, and unity at workplaces. By promoting inclusivity and diversity, we strengthen the social fabric that underpins a resilience and united Singapore.

9 Earlier this year, the Ministry of Manpower participated in the inaugural "Exercise SG Ready" held by MINDEF. We conducted table-top power and water disruption exercises for MOM staff to strengthen our business continuity plans and familiarised ourselves with emergency procedures. Most importantly, we were reminded of the importance of looking out for one and other in the event of a crisis.

10 To prevail in today's complex security environment, the SAF is drawing lessons from the ongoing conflicts to continuously develop and transform Singapore's full spectrum capabilities. They are also investing in SAF personnel and National Servicemen so that they stand future ready.

11 Like the SAF, let us stand united in our unwavering resolve to equip ourselves well, to remain vigilant, and to play our part in safeguarding the future of Singapore. Our individual efforts, when combined, form an unyielding bulwark against the crises that may come our way. Together, we can ensure the continued security and prosperity of Singapore.

12 Happy SAF Day. And Majulah Singapura!