Acer Cyber Security Inc.

30/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 30/07/2024 16:20

Announcement of Board resolution on 2024 1st cash capital increase by issuing common shares

Today's Information

Provided by: Acer Cyber Security Inc.
SEQ_NO 2 Date of announcement 2024/07/30 Time of announcement 17:17:59
 Announcement of Board resolution on 2024 1st cash
capital increase by issuing common shares
Date of events 2024/07/30 To which item it meets paragraph 11
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/07/30
2.Source of capital increase funds:
 cash capital increase by issuing common shares
3.Whether to adopt shelf registration
  (Yes, please state issuance period/No):
4.Total monetary value of the issuance and number of shares issued (shares
 issued not including those distributed to employees if consisting in
 capital increase from earnings or capital surplus):
 NT$ 80,000,000; 8,000,000 shares of common share
5.If adopting shelf registration, monetary value and number of shares
to be issued this time:
6.The remaining monetary value and shares after this issuance when
adopting shelf registration:
7.Par value per share:
8.Issue price:
 Tentatively set at NT$200. Once the registration with the Competent
 Authority becomes effective, the Chairman is authorized, after consulting
 with the underwriter and considering the capital market condition, to
 decide the issue price pursuant to Article 6 of the "Self-regulation
 Measures for Underwriters Providing Guidance to Companies in Raising and
 Issuing Negotiable Securities."
9.Number of shares subscribed for by or allocated to employees:
 10% of the newly issued shares (i.e.,800,000 shares)
10.Number of shares publicly sold:
 10% of the newly issued shares (i.e.,800,000 shares)
11.Ratio of shares subscribed by or allotted as stock
dividends to existing shareholders:
 80% of the newly issued shares (i.e.,6,400,000 shares)
12.Handling method for fractional shares and shares
unsubscripted for by the deadline:
 For fractional shares subscribed for by existing shareholders, the existing
 shareholders may apply to the stock affairs agency of the Company to
 combine the fractional shares, rounding them to one share, within five days
 from the book closure date. For fractional shares not combined and rounded
 to one share, and for the shares unsubscribed for by employees and existing
 shareholders, the Chairman is authorized to allocate them to specific
 persons for subscription at the issue price.
13.Rights and obligations of these newly issued shares:
 same as the existing issued common shares
14.Utilization of the funds from the capital increase:
 Replenish working capital, reinvest in Acer eDC, and repay bank loan
15.Any other matters that need to be specified:
(1)For the actual issue amount, issue schedule, issue conditions, schedule
   for the utilization of fund, record date, expected benefits, related
   contracts and instruments for execution, and other matters related to
   the capital increase, the Chairman, or the person designated by the
   Chairman, to the extent permitted by law, is authorized to address and
   decide it with full authority, considering the capital market condition,
   actual needs of the Company, applicable laws and regulations, and
   requirements of the Competent Authority.
(2)If any adjustment or supplement to the capital increase is required owing
   to amendment of applicable laws and regulations or change of the Company's
   policies, market environment or any objective factors; or if there is any
   matters related to the capital increase unspecified, the Chairman, or the
   person designated by the Chairman, to the extent permitted by law, is
   authorized to address and decide it with full authority.