Mike Huckabee

09/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 14:17

Harris spins up a police endorsement from a recently-formed organization called “Police Leaders for Community Safety”

ByMike Huckabee

September24, 2024


I reported yesterday that Trump had received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest union of police officers. Now, the Harris campaign is boasting of receiving the endorsement of a recently-formed organization called "Police Leaders for Community Safety," which praised her for her prosecutorial track record and unwavering commitment to public safety and the rule of law. I'll pause for a moment while you pick your jaw up off the floor.

It claims to be a nonpartisan "diverse group of prominent police professionals who have been at the helm of numerous major national law enforcement leadership groups" and that champions "policies to make communities and the people in them safer, improve and evolve policing, and safeguard the rule of law."


Okay, let's peel down that onion. According to their website, they hold various liberal views that many actual cops strongly oppose, from gun control to having social workers respond to dangerous mental health and domestic violence calls. Their CEO is described as a "political and legislative strategist; White House and DOJ alum; Drafted initial plan to put 100,000 community police officers on the street; Led legislative campaigns to pass the Brady Bill and assault weapons ban."

Sounds as if Kamala might have been endorsed by the only police organization that might conceivably agree with her beliefs in defunding the police and bailing out rioters.

As for her prosecutorial track record and unwavering commitment to the rule of law, I'll remind you again of this article on her track record as California AG. It's not pretty:


RELATED: We've been writing about this for quite a while, but the Trump campaign is now firing back at the media narrative that "FBI stats show a drop in crime." They are wildly inaccurate and don't even include stats from some of the worst crime cities, including L.A., Detroit, Oakland, San Francisco and New Orleans. Here's what more reliable statistics say about crime rates since Biden/Harris took office…


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Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2024/9/harris-spins-up-a-police-endorsement-from-a-recently-formed-organization-called-police-leaders-for-community-safety

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