Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Lebanon

10/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/09/2024 19:08


Among the latest recipients are projects dedicated to promoting Sign Language as an official language through innovative content creation, empowering women to enhance their livelihoods through beadwork, and supporting Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in advocacy, music training, and recording. The Culture Fund remains committed to fostering the growth of Zimbabwe's creative economy by engaging emerging, mid-career, and established creatives and cultural operators. The funding is strategically directed towards organizations, institutions, events, and festivals that expand opportunities within the arts and culture sector.

Since the inception of CreativeACTIONs II in 2023, a total of 74 projects have been supported, with an investment of USD 1,140,270. This investment addresses critical capacity gaps, fosters innovation, supports advocacy, and facilitates the mobility of artists, cultural goods, and services, enabling them to access new markets and reach broader audiences.

The impact of these supported projects is already being felt across Zimbabwe. The Binga Craft Centre, for example, conducted skills training in quality control for craft products, successfully opening new export markets in Spain and Australia. CHIPAWO, an organization dedicated to children's arts and education, trained young people from three provinces in video recording and presenting skills, resulting in 13 episodes broadcast on Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation Television (ZBC TV). Zimbabwe Fashion Week, through a partnership with Chinhoyi University of Technology, became a member of the the United Nations Fashion and Lifestyle Network, mentoring 10 fashion design graduates through the Creative Accelerator Programme.

CreativeACTIONs II is also supporting education projects like the Centre for Talent Development (CTD), Rawstone Galleries, and TIME Entertainment Promotions. These organizations have trained 37 schools across Binga, Lupane, Hwange, Bulawayo, and Gwanda in performance-based literature, stone carving, drama, playwriting, poetry, visual arts, and music. Zimbabwe Deaf Media has produced African folktales in Sign Language, enriching the learning experience for hearing-impaired students. Matamba Film Labs has pioneered new innovations in virtual reality, collaborating with regional organizations like YC-Films in Mozambique to celebrate and promote African experiences through contemporary storytelling and gaming.

Furthermore, CreativeACTIONs II has facilitated international cultural exchanges of Zimbabwean creators and EU Member States such as Portugal, Germany, and Greece. Artists supported through mobility grants have participated in festival management training and showcased Zimbabwean fashion and fabrics to the diaspora market, bolstering Zimbabwe's representation on the global stage.

The Culture Fund and the EU recognize the vital role that the arts and culture sector plays in nation-building, advocacy, and policy development. Through CreativeACTIONs II, they continue to strengthen creative civil society institutions and independent artists, enhancing artistic expressions and transforming livelihoods. This ongoing support enriches youth empowerment, addresses gender disparities, prioritizes the inclusion of people with disabilities, and facilitates the mobility of artists and cultural goods to access new markets and broader audiences.

To explore previously supported CreativeACTIONs2 projects, click here.

For media enquiries or further information, please contact:

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X: @culturefundzim

CreativeACTIONs2 Awarded Grants | Lot 1 - Larger Grants


Awarded Grants in



Stories from Zimbabwe in Sign Language 2.0

An upscale of stories from Zimbabwe in Sign Language initiative aims to spotlight constitutionalism and expand deaf culture recognition. The young demographics in the deaf community continues to experience huge shortages of Sign Language content - supportivereadingandaudio-visualaids to accommodate, reinforce learning and teaching of their language. The initiative celebrates deaf culture in Zimbabwe. It will contribute significantly towards creation and accumulation of resources which will contribute to the accumulation of deaf audio-visual resources. The creation of such a knowledge bank will not only facilitate equality and supportive learning but also raise awareness in the teaching of children with hearing impairments.



Nhaka yeVana

A publishing and distribution initiative which will bring a variety of children's stories to diversified audience across Zimbabwe especially youth. Nhaka yeVana will nurture early literacy development by providing cartooned works, free to access engaging stories inlocallanguages-therebyequippinglearners with essential reading and imagery interpretation skills. The sentimental literary works will ignite conversations on stories relating to local cultural connection. Content development will celebrate collaborative developmental efforts between authors, writers and professional linguists. The three publications will be distributed in local, national libraries and schools. These books can be adopted as scripts for animation television series.



Exploration of the Shangaan Culture

An introspection of The Shangaan (Xangana, Changana) culture - a minority ethnic group found in the South - Eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe by the same Shangaan custodians. The action is set to produce a 13-episode televised production whose focus will touch on themes around local economy and livelihoods; Ngomeni/Hoko and Khomba; Shangaan in the modern world; dress and adornment and its relations to South African and Mozambiquan traditions among others. The initiative will foster social dialogue, understanding of minority cultures around the Xangana and non-Xangana communities. The Exploration of the Shangaan Culture will strengthen collaborative efforts with local rural developmental authorities in full production, marketing and distribution.



Ancient Ndebele folktales

A multi-faceted initiative whose focus is to execute capacity enhancement activities before coming up with a film product. The 2D animation will focus on Ancient Ndebele folktales driven by young creative minds. The Action secures different skillsets throughout its lifetime. Storyboarding is preceded by in-depth research approaches which include literature reviews and consultations with elders andNdebelehistoriansaswaysofaligning the storyline to contextual relevance. Character development, voice coaching, sound score, effects and scripts will be outlined as part of developing the 10 episodes. A premier will be executed as part of initiating the marketing and distribution process of the final production.




The African Musical Instruments Builders Exchange (AMIBE) aims to address limited collaborations amongst musical instrument builders in the African region whose collective and innovative creations remain weak. The initiative facilitates hinderances in the sourcingandproductionofhigh-qualityinstrumentswhichcouldsustainstandardrequirementsforregionalandinternationalmarkets. The instrumentbuilders continued to work informally in highly independent spots thereby limitingknowledge sharing; bestpracticesexchange and opening up of new avenues for their growth. The AMIBE will address stagnant soundquality and inadequacy instrumentsfrom Zimbabwe in order to endorse new crafters onto the global marketplace.



Let's Talk Arts

A televised 13-episode dialogue show which will engage with creatives, academia, duty bearers, leaders and officers from relevant government ministries and departments. The production will interrogate key policy matters relating to the development of the arts and culture sector in Zimbabwe. The intention aligns to promoting candid conversation on policy planning, implementation and evaluation for sharpening its practice. The dialogue will act further as an advocacy initiative which will critique on broader operating environment and needs of the arts and culture towards harnessing its full potential towards improving artists' livelihoods, the operating environment and broader matters affecting lasting positive changes.



Decorative, Gallery and Therapeutic Beading

An initiative set to empower 21 marginalized youths with disabilities and their respective caregivers through intensive beading skills training in rural Beitbridge, Gwanda, and Umzingwane Districts. The broader plan includes stakeholder engagement, sourcing of raw materials to use during theoretical and practical training phases. Approaches on decorative beading and crafting design skills training aims to prepare the youth with disabilities to become innovative crafters relevant to the fashion industry, exterior and interior decorations. Decorative, gallery and therapeutic beading will address societal exclusion of the individuals with disabilities by working with them in strengthening their visual arts skills, quality assurance and marketing.



International Literature Festival 2024

LitFest aims to inspire, motivate and promote the consumption of literary works through its 11th edition of the annual International Literature Festival - 2024. The annual festival will immerse local writers, anthologists, poets and interested young creatives on critical analysis skills of broader possibilities existing in the literary shrines. The annual festival provides a swift float to African Languages and cultural existence. A further cross-pollination of ideas by working with academics and non-academics will be facilitated. LitFest exist as a bedrock to the national policies supporting arts and culture sector. As such, the annual festival will offer platforms for the interrogation and appreciation of some local and global cultural policies supporting literature and writers.



Mashoko Tapes

An initiative drawing energies from Zimbabwe's diversified musical roots with contemporary expressions. The initiative reflects on creativity, innovation, and resilience. Six Zimbabwean artists from diversified cultural backgrounds will be brought together for a live performance of an eight-track album that will be showcased during the 2024 Shoko Festival Mash Up Night performance. The live performance will get a rare opportunity of using Shoko festival as an international gateway to the export markets. The curated musical content will be made available on all streaming platforms to sustain the artists' media presence online. Mashoko Tapes will have a fair share in high quality live production, in front of local and international audiences.



Re-Imagining & Re-directing Intwasa 2024

Contributing towards the expansion of a robust and engaging southern region based national festival. Support to Intwasa will bring a more inclusive and relevant event whose programming balances, community involvement, business, development and sustainability. Re-imagining and re-directing Intwasa's activities will focus on exposing youths, women, and marginalized communities to the deliberate use of their skills. Intwasa will conduct live performances, dialogue sessions that will explore professionalism, creative entrepreneurship, technology harmonization, unity and collaborative power between artists from different sub-categories.



Empowering the youths, communities through arts and cultural diversity

An empowerment drive of youth and communities in Mashonaland Central - Zimbabwe. Block building to 2.0 of Arts and Culture in Action, through artistic expressions and talent identification activities buttressing the support of Mashonaland Central Rural District Authorities. The initiative will expand on its initial reach to under-represented districts by getting into Muzarabani, Mt Darwin, Rushinga, Mazowe and Guruve and further scout and exhibit the talent. The initiative decentralises some geographical imbalances which ignore the vast quantitative deposits of untapped talent outside of big cities -. The talent identification will culminate into a provincial arts festival which will showcase youthful talent skills.


CreativeACTIONs2 Awarded Grants | Lot 2 - Smaller Grants


Awarded Grants in



Crafting Trash to TraFashion

A green conscious effort that addresses the environmental and public health challenges posed by the surplus and discarded second- hand clothing in Zimbabwe particularly Harare and Chinhoyi. The initiative aims to apply creative design abilities in order to mitigate textile waste by collecting and repurposing discarded clothing into newly, sellable fashion products. Through a series of workshops, 20 women from Makonde rural community will be trained in upcycling and sustainable fashion practices. The project will raise awareness on environmental hazards associated with textile waste. The initiative will empower women with green skills, create a source of livelihoods for them, and contribute to environmental conservation by reducing pollution from second-hand cloth dumping.



Visual Arts: therapy and self-advocacy for students with hearing loss

Key institutions and learners with hearing impairments continue to experience huge bottlenecks around their involvement in developmental milestones. The initiative will fight exclusionary systems limiting the empowerment of hearing-impaired students, through visual and performing arts, equipping them with self-advocacy skills. It will hand over skills to learners as a way of opening markets for their creative efforts. The advocacy exposure will improve social and economic opportunities for posterity. 20 students will be imparted with artistic skills in dance, and music, while promoting their craftmanship. The work will culminate into an art exhibition showcase.



The Conservationist - Community Dialogue & Trailer

The Conservationist focuses on addressing the human-wildlife conflict exacerbated by climate change crisis. A full-length documentary will be recorded in the Zambezi Valley basin, specifically Nyami Nyami District - Kariba. The coexistence between humans and wildlife requires detailed interrogation amid climate justice narrative, conservation practices and respect for human life. The full-length production will raise awareness about such changes and amplify local conservation efforts and shortfalls. Key activities of the initiative will include hosting a community dialogue to gather input on the film's narrative before coming up with a trailer that will serve as a call-to-action and a tool for human-wildlife coexistence.



Miss Tanya Show

Miss Tanya Show aims to give power back to young audiences through engaging and empowering them. A vivacious young creative will engage marginalized youth and create a podcast series that addresses critical social and educational issues. Targeting young people, particularly school dropouts, the podcast will produce 13 episodes featuring discussions with youths and experts touching key themes that include drug abuse, premature marriages, and unemployment. The show will be initiated by recruiting young presenters and sourcing requisite materials. Miss Tanya will grant the much-needed dialogue opportunities, tools to foster positive change which result in promoting engaging conversations.




An awareness-driven musical initiative aiming at empowering and engaging with emerging artists in remote areas of Mashonaland Central Province. Nyamavhuvhu seeks to contribute towards reduction of alcohol and substance abuse, early marriages, and poverty through the creation of an African fusion music album. The initiative will involve recording songs and producing music videos, as a way of expanding platforms for underground artists to collaborate with known creatives. Focus will be placed on career guidance, professional business practices, and digital market engagement, with the goal of furthering community support, reducing social scourges in youth.



Simunye Inclusive Arts Initiative

An initiative designed to empower 15 artists with disabilities and other non-disabled youths from across Zimbabwe through professional training in music business, audio/visual production. The initiative aims to produce a 12-track multi-cultural advocacy musicandpoetryalbumthatchallengescultural and social constructs affecting persons with disabilities in marginalized communities. Capacity-building workshops, music composition, recording, and video production, culminating into a public launch will be the main activities.Theinitiativewillignitepositiveattitude, perceptions and behaviours which foster inclusion and equal participation of PwDs in the creative sector.



DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation in Portugal and Zimbabwe

A former lecturer from Midlands State University where she taught undergraduate students for over a decade in music business subjects - copyright law and ethics, music management, and community development. The independent researcher in the arts was invited to be a keynote guest lecture at the KISMIF Conference 2024 in Porto, Portugal. The lecture, titled "DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation in Portugal and Zimbabwe: Uniting Past Legacies with Present Possibilities," explores the intersections between Do It Yourself (DIY) music culture, democracy, and creative participation, comparing contexts in Zimbabwe and Portugal. The awarded funding assist is for mobility support for the Zimbabwean based researcher to foster knowledge expansion.



Machira - Afrika Festival Stuttgart Fashion Show and Exhibition

A fashion designer is awarded a mobility grant with the expectation to enhance cultural exchange, establish new markets during his visit to Germany. He will showcase mbatya's Machira collection at the Afrika Festival in Stuttgart with a dedicated exhibition stand and an engaging fashion show accompanied by a talk. The festival attracts a diverse audience interested in African cultural products. This is a perfect platform to expose mbatya to potential customers and collaborators passionate about African fashion, textiles and souvenirs.TheMachiracollectiongoes beyond clothing; it's a conversation starter about Zimbabwean heritage. The festival facilitates the sharing of stories behind fashion patterns, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation.



Africa Monologue Challenge Championship

A Female actress is awarded support in order to participate in the Africa Monologue Challenge Championship in Kampala, Uganda. The competition aims to foster pan-African collaboration and cultural exchanges. The young beneficiary is one of the top 10 finalists out of 2000 entries who will engage in intensive coaching, cultural exchange, and various challenges. The event will culminate into a globally streamed final, where the winner earns a lead role in a pan-African film and a cash prize. The African regional exchange promotes positive narratives about Africa, its people contributing to a shared vision of progress, resilience, and cultural richness of the content.


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