Oracle Corporation

10/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/01/2024 11:04

OCI Ops Insights: new features to enhance capacity planning and performance management

OCI Ops Insights (OPSI), part of the Oracle Cloud Observability and Management platform, is a solution that helps reduce enterprise capital expenditure and improve applications throughput through data-driven capacity planning and performance management. This blog highlights key recent additions that help you gather, analyze, and plan for enterprise growth.
Database Performance Dashboard
Gain insight into your fleet's database performance with the new Database Performance Dashboard featuring a comprehensive fleet-level view. You can now track the overall workload and identify top-performing databases by load. With customized insights based on Time Model, Wait Class, and ADDM Data, you can easily pinpoint actionable areas for optimization. Dive deeper into specific databases with more granular information on top activities and ADDM recommendations that help you make better informed decisions.
db perf dash
Figure 1: Database performance dashboard
ADDM Spotlight Findings and Recommendations enhancements
ADDM Spotlight Findings and Recommendations tabs now provides for overlay and correlated event annotations. For example, findings can be correlated with changes to database parameters that could be responsible for changes in the overall database performance during a specified time period.
Figure 2: ADDM Spotlight event annotation
Integration with Application Performance Monitoring: View SQL performance insights based on SQL IDs
A new out of the box drilldown has been added within the O&M service, Application Performance Monitoring (APM), to allow exploring the details a SQL ID part of an APM trace. From the trace details screen, for a trace containing the "DbOracleSqlId", click on a new drilldown "Ops Insights SQL Insights". The dashboard displayed includes the trace details, the list of databases that ran that SQL ID, along with the average latency and number of executions over the last 7 days. You can then choose a specific database to view the SQL insights. The flow is demonstrated below in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Drilldown flow from APM to SQL Insights
Convenient contextual drilldown into Enterprise Manager targets home page
The Capacity Planning and Exadata Insights applications within Ops Insights now links directly to the home page of an Enterprise Manager target. This allows quick access to managing these database types.
link to EM
Figure 4: Link to Enterprise Manager target home page
Collection issues enhancements / News Report
Ops Insights has made a number of enhancements to how metric collection issues are exposed. One of the enhancements shown below integrates the metric collection issue detection into the News Report framework. This way, collection issues detected for any enabled resources can be identified in the Capacity Planning weekly report.
Figure 5: News Report enhancement illustrating collection issues details
Another enhancement of this type is specific to databases enabled via Management Agents or Private Endpoints. The collection issues details for these databases list specific diagnostics, corrective actions, and possible remediation tasks. From the collection issues dashboard, click the database name and access the slide-out panel with helpful tips on resolving collecting data issues for any enabled databases.
Per metric diagnostics can only be seen from the Cloud Bridge page within Enterprise Manager. Examples of the per metric diagnostics on the Collection issues dashboard, accessible via the Ops Insights administration menu, can be seen in the figure below.
database diagnostic metrics
Figure 6: Per database diagnostic metrics
Host fleet dashboard
Ops Insights also introduced a new process-focused Host Fleet Dashboard which quickly identifies the top host/processes and containers consuming CPU, Memory, Storage and Network resources. At a glance, the dashboard aggregates the data for all hosts within the selected compartment, allowing selection of a specific host for more focused analysis.
Within the dashboard, the "CPU" and "Memory" tabs identifies the top consumers based on usage and utilization, and then, for each of these hosts, view the top consuming processes. The "Storage" and "Network" tabs also identifies top consumers and provide further breakdown by filesystem or network interface.
The "Top processes" tab provides a quick view into the top process consumption by CPU and Memory. The different bubble sizes help visualize the number of identical processes observed across your fleet. Clicking on these bubbles drills down and looks at the trends for a specific process. The "Containers" tab help identify the top container CPU and Memory consumption and the top processes running inside a particular container.
Host fleet performance dashboard
Figure 7: Host fleet performance dashboard
Host Recommendations
Ops Insights Capacity Planning has also enhanced the recommendations provided for hosts. In addition to Burstable for computes, Ops Insights now provides:
Shape migration recommendations to less costly shapes
Memory recommendations to add/reduce memory
Terminate unused or abandoned host instances
Host Storage
Ops Insights Capacity Planning host storage breakdown by filesystem lists the top 5 filesystems. Now, a new category called "Others" accounts for the rest of the filesystems for that host.
Get started today!
Find OPSI under the Observability and Management menu in the Oracle Cloud Console. The service is accessible through the Console, CLI, and REST API and is already available in all commercial regions, with Government regions coming soon. OPSI is available to use with Autonomous Databases, external databases (Oracle Databases deployed on-premises), and Oracle Cloud Databases on bare metal, VMs, and Exadata Database Services on Dedicated Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud at Customer.
To test drive this feature and many other features in OPSI before even signing up for the service, try the demo mode or try it by signing up for Livelabs.
Not yet a customer? Sign up for an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure trial account!
Explore Ops Insights
Ops Insights Technical Content
Hands-on lab: Get Started with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ops Insights
Ops Insights Videos, including "How-to" videos
Integrating Enterprise Manager with OCI Services
ADDM Spotlight provides strategic advice to optimize Oracle Database performance and how to enable full feature support for your Autonomous Databases
Enable Cross-Service Dashboards.
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