Beijing Municipal Government

06/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/24/2024 03:24

Second Tianqiao Dance Festival Opens

As the opening show of the second Tianqiao Dance Festival, the much-anticipated poetic dance drama "Nine Songs" made its debut on June 12, 2024, to unveil a visual and spiritual dance feast.

Compared with the first edition, this year's festival has a larger well-selected repertoire, with more than 40 sessions of nine Chinese and foreign dance productions. It features Chinese classics including the poetic dance dramas "Nine Songs" and "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting," the national dance drama "The Depth of Memory", the dance dramas "Cao Xueqin" and "Li Bai", and the original national dance drama "A Dream of Red Mansions" by Jiangsu Center for the Performing Arts. "Romeo and Juliet", a production by a British choreographer named Matthew Bourne, is also on the list.

Another noteworthy fact is that the festival is starred with top dancers in China, and is honored to have New Adventures (UK), China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater, China Oriental Performing Arts Group, Beijing Dance Drama & Opera, Jiangsu Art Performance Group Opera & Dance Drama Theater and other well-known dance troupes in China and other countries and regions to promote cultural and art exchanges.

In addition, there will be a series of colorful exciting activities such as repertoire seminars, masters' tour classes, creative workshops, meetings with production teams, and meetings with dancers.

You can purchase the tickets on the official website or via the official WeChat account of Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, or via authorized agents.