11/13/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/14/2024 08:41
This blog is the first in a four-part series on the beginner's guide to Industrial Artificial Intelligence applications.
Welcome knowledge seeker! Do you feel dazzled and awed by the great potential of Artificial Intelligence aka AI? Perhaps hesitant or lost when words like 'convolution,' 'deep learning,' or 'autoencoder' are thrown around? Well, fear not, friend, for you have come to just the right place! You don't need to be a computer wizard or a super genius to understand how using AI can impact your system and, more importantly, if using it is worth the investment.
This is a multi-part series aimed at helping you practically evaluate each step of investing in and using an AI-enhanced system or tool in an industrial application. We will address the fundamentals of what an Industrial AI (IAI) is and how that makes it different from your everyday AI. We discuss its development, considerations in training and concepts for practical evaluation in a live or test-grade environment. We won't be covering everything you would need to know, but we will give you a good flavor of what, when, and why of assessing your IAI.
So come along with us as we look at the fundamentals of Industrial AI acumen!
Let's take a look at a few hypothetical scenarios where AI might be applied in industrial applications.
Sam is considering purchasing an AI-enabled part-tracking system that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to install and maintain. Is it worth it?
Robin wants to protect and monitor their high-value Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling Machine in their startup production facility. Should they buy the newer, more expensive model with AI Adaptric Proto Interegatrix ™ Technology, or can they save some money and buy the older model with standard built-in audio monitoring?
Casey wants to use the latest Machine Learning (ML) technology to develop an AI-driven box that can determine the health of a planetary gearbox from observing 100+ hours of operations data. How can they sell this idea to their supervisor?
I have been in the fields of reliability engineering and AI analytics for nearly 20 years. In that time, I have seen some ingenious and inexplicable applications of AI to problems from the mundane to the bizarre. These have led me to create 10 basic questions that everyone should ask when considering or evaluating an AI-driven tool.
AI will be with us in the long run and that's not a bad thing! AI can make our lives simpler, easier, and more efficient in many ways. If we ascribe to the axiom that the simplest tool for the job is the best from the perspective of maintaining and using that tool, then any additional complexity added by an AI system should also have a proportional level of additional benefit.
While this axiom could be considered true in a broad sense, it becomes especially important when considering high-risk or high-value assets in industrial or economically high-stakes settings. In these settings, we must ask ourselves some rendition of the following questions:
IAI is the intersection of Rules-Based Decision Making, Machine Learning, and Human Insight. Importantly, IAI typically adheres to three fundamental principles:
These have some implications that will help determine what philosophical goals we should address.
The first principle implies that any evaluations must be directed toward the desired outcome of the larger system. Simple accuracy or precision measures may not be enough to determine the true impact of an AI-enhanced product without the context of the system in which it is applied. The successful impact of using an AI-enhanced product should result in benefits in terms of system-level performance or financial measures.
Furthermore, solutions that worked last year may not meet today's needs. Problems can arise because the distribution of inputs to the AI model may change over time. For example, a model that estimates HVAC use from historical weather data may deteriorate if underlying weather patterns, sensing systems, or even if the usage patterns or internal environment change. Categorically, AI systems lose efficacy as the learned relationships between their inputs and outputs no longer produce the required results. The clear solution to this situation involves the evaluation of both the system and your AI tool as a continual or periodic process.
The second principle provides us with the perspective that practical use for the end user is the highest priority. A solution may be technically correct, but if it does not perform the task the user wants, when and how they want it, it could fail to engage the user and be worthless. Instead, the task should be performed in a manner the user understands and feels confident that they can guide. Providing a simple solution to understand, maintain, and operate is the most time-tested and reliable way to ensure the end user is willing and able to use the AI.
Our last principle highlights that solutions are not applied in a void. This means they must not correspondingly be developed or evaluated in a way agnostic to the domain and specific application. The application or use case dictates so much about the inputs, assets, and requirements for an AI tool that it seems misguided to try to ignore that information when developing or assessing tools for it.
Without assessment and evaluation against these philosophical waypoints, many IAI applications fail in their task or design. Time and again, I have encountered ten elementary mistakes that ultimately contribute to some failure of the IAI, everything from adding unnecessary complexity to a well-understood problem to unreasonable expectations in performance. More insidious and subtle are the occasions where nothing seems wrong, but the application spits out nonsensical or trivial output.
The ten most common pitfalls in IAI applications can be summarized as:
Knowing the key elements of your system can lead to a simple breakdown of any model or tool that performs a function.
If we treat this evaluation as an assessment of a closed box (also known as a black box), we can examine it in three stages.
As we progress through this blog series, we will address each of these stages to examine the risks and benefits of an IAI application and provide a practical philosophy for assessing any IAI tool you may come across. This will lead us through the working philosophy of understanding when an IAI system is appropriate and adds value to the situation. Many of the ideas and concepts prompted here apply beyond AI or Machine Learning applications, but our focus will be on any tool that ingests data or information and outputs some form of decision support or control action.
Equipped with the appropriate information and tools, you will be in a better position to make the best decisions about adding IAI to your operations.