
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2024 05:44

Summit on the future of education: UNESCO and País Digital's approach to artificial intelligence

The event, co-organised by UNESCO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the País Digital Foundation as part of UNESCO's Digital Learning Week, focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in education across all stages of learning, from early childhood education to higher education. This discussion comes at a crucial moment when digital technologies are revolutionising teaching and learning both inside and outside the classroom, raising questions that need to be addressed to ensure fair and proper implementation.

Esther Kuisch Laroche, Director of UNESCO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, emphasised the significance of this event by stating that "it was a unique opportunity to share visions, reflections, and experiences on how artificial intelligence can enhance education, teaching, and learning. At UNESCO, we recognise that technological innovation must be conceived ethically and help to improve human capacities, ensuring that no student is left behind in acquiring essential digital skills."

The event featured welcoming remarks from Fengchun Miao, Chief of the Unit for Technology and AI in Education at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, and included the participation of Valtencir Mendes, Head of the Education Sector at UNESCO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. Among the most notable presentations was that of María Eugenia Curi, an AI specialist at the Ceibal Foundation, who presented "A Framework for Integrating AI in Education," and Lionel Brossi, Director of the AI and Society Research Centre at the University of Chile, who explored disruptive AI pedagogical models.

Catalina Araya, Director of Education at the País Digital Foundation, highlighted the importance of the event: "The Summit on the Future of Education has been an opportunity to bring together all stakeholders with a common goal: to maximise the potential of AI in education, ensuring that its benefits are inclusive and prepare future generations to face the challenges of digitalisation."

Chile's Undersecretary for Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation, Carolina Gainza, added that AI presents not only technical challenges but also social, cultural, political, and economic ones. "We must discuss the ethical and social implications of these technologies to ensure they benefit society as a whole and promote a more just and democratic future."

More information about the Summit on the Future of Education: