Roger Marshall

10/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2024 16:01

Senator Marshall Slams Biden-Harris Response to Hurricane Helene and Redirecting FEMA Funds to Migrant Housing.

Wichita, KS - U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the Harris-Biden Administration's disastrous emergency response. Senator Marshall slammed Harris-Biden-Mayorkas' depletion of FEMA funds that were redirected to illegal migrant housing instead of helping Americans- like those who have been devastated by last week's hurricane.

Additionally, Senator Marshall discussed the BE GONE Act, legislation he introduced with Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) that would deport the thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes who are currently residing within our borders.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall's full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall's interview include:

On the Harris-Biden Administration's disastrous response to Hurricane Helene:

"Let's look at things 'holistically' today, that this is an incompetent Biden-Harris Administration."

"What the Democrats do is they create policies, and then they want more government programs, more money to solve the problem. But at the end of the day, they're not getting the job done in North Carolina."

On the misuse of emergency disaster relief funding by the Harris-Biden Administration:

"I would argue that the Biden-Harris administration has funneled it in different places. They took money from building the wall to help migrants out, and then they've taken money that was meant for FEMA, $1.4 billion as you pointed out as well."

"At the end of the day, I still think that this is incompetence, that FEMA and or Congress has not prioritized. That's the challenge I see with so many professional politicians, is they never prioritize where these dollars go to."

On the BE GONE Act and the Harris-Biden Administration Endangering American Citizens with Open Borders Policies:

"The Democrats don't want to bring attention that Kamala's 'holistic' approach to securing the border is not working, that her open border policies have led to huge national security threats…the biggest emotional issue going into this election is is your family safe and secure right now? And I can tell you, even in the heartland in Kansas, people don't feel safe anymore, that there is no responsibility being taken here.

"To your point, don't forget the two million known gotaways that crossed the border. Who are those people? We have at least 400,000 criminal aliens roaming America…hundreds of known terrorists have been encountered on the border just this year alone. We have no idea where they are. As you pointed out earlier, there's 13,000 people that have been convicted of murder, illegal aliens convicted of murder. They're roaming the country right now."

"When Donald Trump gets in office, he's going to have a tough job, but he's the man to do it, and we need to get those folks resources to get those illegal aliens that have committed crimes out of this country."