REA Group Limited

12/19/2018 | Press release | Archived content

The future of artificial intelligence: can you really trust the computer

It's the year 2025 and artificial intelligence is everywhere these days, even when you least expect it.

You've just stepped through the door of a rental apartment inspection in your local neighbourhood. It's perfect - that extra bedroom you've been seeking, ground floor, storage, with a small backyard for the barbecue. But you haven't even reached the leasing agent when a light goes off on the hallway table and your face flashes onto a tablet, with 'DECLINED' in big red letters.

Step no further along the corridor applicant 11-3895!

Facial assessment and recognition, intent-based targeting, social credit scoring, plus a deep analysis of your web behaviour and purchasing patterns have all been loaded into a black mirror-like algorithm. Before you even get the chance to splutter out the elevator pitch of your stellar rental history, you've been judged unsuitable to take on this property lease.

And you thought finding a rental in 2018 was challenging!

The computer probably doesn't even know why it has judged you unsuitable as a tenant nor will it be able to explain the rationale. On the surface, it might have been combining your Uber Eats habit with too much time playing Fortnite - but truthfully it was just 1's and 0's to the silicon chips in the computer. Just maths - convoluted, recursive equations that took thousands of lines of computer code to execute an opinion of you in just three seconds.

Biometric Mirror example from Melbourne University

The future of AI in Australia

As more businesses start to embrace computer intelligences in the future, decisions like determining if you're a suitable rental tenant will likely be called out as un-Australian. It's the polar opposite of the egalitarian society we have been creating for over 200 years; and offensive to our Aussie values of fairness and transparency for all. Values that are being rapidly eroded in the 21st century around the world, with machines being taught how to accelerate that murkiness.

Truthfully though, the concept of algorithms that weigh up all of your consumer behaviours to make a decision has existed for decades. The science behind the neural networks - the complex mathematics that mimics the human brain making decisions - goes back to the 1940s. All of this has only been made possible in the last few years by refined academic explanations, cloud supercomputers and their ability to store and rapidly analyse vast data sets.

Should the computer be made to explain itself?

It is an important issue for Australia. As we head into a world where computer algorithms are learning daily, as well as being connected to vast networks of other smart computers analysing the same problem around the world, big decisions will soon be made for us by machine. Decisions way bigger than whether you qualify as a good tenant. Should this defendant be judged guilty or not guilty? Should this prisoner receive parole? Is this a positive cancer diagnosis or not? How should the assets of a family be split at divorce?

It is unlikely Australian scientists and businesses will win the global war for building AI engines, algorithms or data services. That race is between the USA (mainly Google in reality) and China - well documented in Kai Fu Lee's book AISuperpowers. But there is another challenge, which is going to parallel the race to make the perfect decision-making engines: the demand for ethics and transparency, and the tools for explaining AI.

Explainable AI - a new frontier

Harnessing our outrage at a lack of transparency into the new discipline of 'explainable artificial intelligence' (XAI) is a potential field for Australia to excel in globally. An area that combines computer sciences and social sciences. It is already an emerging field of research, and Australia harbours a number of experts already in this space.

Melbourne University's Dr Tim Miller, who is a leader in the field of autonomous decision systems, has already authored several important papers on XAI . I spoke with him on the latest AI Australia podcast (co-hosted with James Wilson, CEO of Eliiza) about all the tricky choices we as humans are going to need to make as AI becomes more prevalent in society. Things like whose self-driving car will we want to buy - the Chinese model, where bias goes toward protecting the elderly; or American, where children get highest rank in the algorithm. Add these podcasts to your Christmas playlist and I guarantee you'll start 2019 ten times smarter.

The thing that experts like Dr Miller will tell you though is that the precise definition of 'explanation' in AI is as tricky to lock down as any machine-learning, neutrally networked algorithm. What it means to 'understand' is highly variable - understanding varies by culture, who the explainer is, and the audience. Unconscious biases are rife in the process of feeling like we have been given enough justification for an outcome.

If an algorithm judges you, the creator needs to tackle the complexity of the maths and cough up why. It is as much a question of ethics as anything - a subject that sadly few graduate in, other than lawyers.

Different generations are more or less accepting of a computer defining their fate. The remarkable art experiment called 'Biometric Mirror' undertaken by a team led by Dr Niels Wouters of University of Melbourne's Science gallery, recently unveiled a judgmental algorithm that examined facial characteristics. It judges you on intelligence and looks (among other things). People under the age of 30 were far less likely to question the Mirror's judgment of them…computers 'know' apparently.

By Mcstrother - Own work, CC BY 3.0,

So where to from here with AI?

In 2018, our fate is largely in the hands of engineers writing smart decision-making algorithms. An engineer likely has a more black and white view on whether an explanation is sufficient, especially if it is logical or rational - but this could be way off the mark for the recipient of a 20-year sentence with no parole.

In the case of the rental apartment, the judgement might have been sparked by something as simple as that photo of your two dogs on Facebook disqualifying you from a pet-free complex, or as complex as your demographic cohort likely being more tempted to sub-lease an apartment on holiday websites than others.

We've got a decision to make on how informed we want to be in our fate as AI advances. In an XAI world, at least you'll know.

This is an edited version of a piece that originally appeared in The Australian. You can listen to Nigel Dalton's AI Australia podcast with Dr Tim Miller, University of Melbourne XAI expert:

Nigel and James' AI Australia podcast