MongoDB Inc.

07/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 09:19

Building Gen AI Applications Using Iguazio and MongoDB

AI can lead to major enterprise advancements and productivity gains. By offering new capabilities, they open up opportunities for enhancing customer engagement, content creation, process automation, and more.

According to McKinsey & Company, generative Al has the potential to deliver an additional $200-340B in value for the banking industry. One popular use case is customer service, where gen AI chatbots have quickly transformed the way customers interact with organizations. They handle customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations while empathizing with them and offering nuanced support tailored to individual needs. Another less obvious use case is fraud detection and prevention. AI offers a transformative approach by interpreting regulations, supporting data cleansing, and enhancing the efficacy of surveillance systems. These systems can analyze transactions in real-time and flag suspicious activities more accurately, which helps institutions prevent monetary losses.

In this post, we introduce the joint MongoDB and Iguazio gen AI solution which allows for the development and deployment of resilient and scalable gen AI applications. Before diving into how it works and its value for you, let's first discuss the challenges enterprises face when operationalizing gen AI applications.

Challenges to operationalizing gen AI

Building an AI application starts with a proof of concept. However, enterprises need to successfully operationalize and deploy models in production to derive business value and ensure the solution is resilient. Doing so comes with its own set of challenges such as:

  • Engineering challenges - Deploying gen AI applications requires substantial engineering efforts from enterprises. They need to maintain technological consistency throughout the operational pipeline, set up sufficient infrastructure resources, and ensure the availability of a team equipped with a comprehensive ML and data skillset. Currently, AI development and deployment processes are slow, time-consuming, and fraught with friction.

  • LLM risks - When deploying LLMs, enterprises need to reduce privacy risks and comply with ethical AI standards. This includes preventing hallucinations, ensuring unbiased outputs, filtering out offensive content, protecting intellectual property, and aligning with regulatory standards.

  • Glue logic and standalone solutions - The AI landscape is vibrant, and new solutions are frequently being developed. Autonomously integrating these solutions can create overhead for ops and data professionals, resulting in duplicate efforts, brittle architectures, time-consuming processes, and a lack of consistency.

Iguazio and MongoDB together: High-performing and simplified gen AI operationalization

The joint Iguazio and MongoDB solution leverages the innovation of these two leading platforms. The integrated solution allows customers to streamline data processing and storage, ensuring gen AI apps reach production while eliminating risks, improving performance, and enhancing governance.

MongoDB for end-to-end AI data management

MongoDB Atlas, an integrated suite of data services centered around a multi-cloud NoSQL database, enables developers to unify operational (structured and unstructured data), analytical, and AI data services into a single platform to streamline building AI-enriched applications. MongoDB's flexible data model enables easy integration with different AI/ML platforms, allowing organizations to adapt to changes in the AI landscape without extensive infrastructure modifications. MongoDB meets the requirements of a modern AI and vector data store:

  • Operational and unified: MongoDB's ability to serve as the operational data store (ODS) enables financial institutions to efficiently handle large volumes of real-time operational data and unifies AI/vector data, ensuring AI/ML models use the most accurate information. It also enables organizations to meet compliance and regulatory requirements (e.g., 3DS2, ISO20022, TCDF) by the timely processing of large data volumes.

  • Multi-model: Alongside structured data, there's a growing need for semi-structured and unstructured data in gen AI applications. MongoDB's JSON-based multimodal document model allows you to handle and process diverse data types, including documents, network/knowledge graphs, geospatial data, and time series data. Atlas Vector Search lets you search unstructured data. You can create vector embeddings with ML models and store and index them in Atlas for retrieval augmented generation (RAG), semantic search, recommendation engines, dynamic personalization, and other use cases.

  • Flexible: MongoDB's flexible schema design enables development teams to make application adjustments to meet changing data requirements and redeploy application changes in an agile manner.

  • Vector store: Alongside the operational data store, MongoDB serves as a vector store with vector indexing and search capabilities for performing semantic analysis. To help improve gen AI experiences with greater accuracy and mitigate hallucination risks, using a RAG architecture together with the multimodal operational data typically required by AI applications.

  • Deployment flexibility: MongoDB can be deployed self-managed on-premise, in the cloud, or in a SaaS environment. Or deployed across a hybrid cloud environment for institutions not ready to be entirely on the public cloud.

Iguazio's AI platform

Iguazio (acquired by McKinsey) is an AI platform designed to streamline the development of ML and gen AI applications in production at scale.

Iguazio's gen AI-ready architecture includes capabilities for data management, model development, application deployment, and LiveOps. The platform-now part of QuantumBlack Horizon, McKinsey's suite of AI development tools-addresses enterprises' two biggest challenges when advancing from gen AI proofs of concept to live implementations within business environments.

  • Scalability: Ensures uninterrupted service regardless of workload demands, scaling gen AI applications when required.

  • Governance: Gen AI guardrails mitigate risk by directing essential monitoring, data privacy, and compliance activities.

By automating and orchestrating AI, Iguazio accelerates time-to-market, lowers operating costs, enables enterprise-grade governance, and enhances business profitability.

Iguazio's platform includes LLM customization capabilities, GPU provisioning to improve utilization and reduce cost, and hybrid deployment options (including multi-cloud or on premises). This positions Iguazio to uniquely answer enterprise needs, even in highly regulated environments, either in a self-serve or managed services model (through QuantumBlack, McKinsey's AI arm). Iguazio's AI platform provides:

  • Structured and unstructured data pipelines for processing, versioning, and loading documents.

  • Automated flow of data prep, tuning, validating, and LLM optimization to specific data efficiently using elastic resources (CPUs, GPUs, etc.).

  • Rapid deployment of scalable real-time serving and application pipelines that use LLMs (locally hosted or external) as well as the required data integration and business logic.

  • Built-in monitoring for the LLM data, training, model, and resources, with automated model re-tuning and RLHF.

  • Ready-made gen AI application recipes and components.

  • An open solution with support for various frameworks and LLMs and flexible deployment options (any cloud, on-prem).

  • Built-in guardrails to eliminate risks and improve accuracy and control.

Examples: Building with Iguazio and MongoDB

#1 Building a smart customer care agent

The joint solution can be used to create smart customer care agents. The diagram below illustrates a production-ready gen AI agent application with its four main elements:

  1. Data pipeline for processing the raw data (eliminating risks, improving quality, encoding, etc.).

  2. Application pipelines for processing incoming requests (enriched with data from MongoDB's multimodel store), running the agent logic, and applying various guardrails and monitoring tasks.

  3. Development and CI/CD pipelines for fine-tuning and validating models, testing the application to detect accuracy risk challenges, and automatically deploying the application.

  4. A monitoring system collecting application and data telemetry to identify resource usage, application performance, risks, etc. The monitoring data can be used to improve the application performance further through an RLHF (reinforcement learning from human feedback) integration.

#2 Building a hyper-personalized banking agent

In this example, accompanied by a demo video, we show a banking agent based on a modular RAG architecture that helps customers choose the right credit card for them. The agent has access to a MongoDB Atlas data platform with a list of credit cards and a large array of customer details. When a customer chats with the agent, it chooses the best credit card for them, based on the data and additional personal customer information, and can converse with them in an appropriate tone. The bank can further hyperpersonalize the chat to make it more appealing to the client and improve the odds of the conversion, or add guardrails to minimize AI hallucinations and improve interaction accuracy.

Example customer #1: Olivia

Olivia is a young client requesting a credit card. The agent looks at her credit card history and annual income and recommends a card with low fees. The tone of the conversation is casual.

When Olivia asks for more information, the agent accesses the card data while retaining the same youthful and fun tone.

Example customer #2: Miss Jessope

The second example involves an older woman who the agent calls "Ms Jessope". When asking for a new card, the agent accesses her credit card history to choose the best card based on her history. The conversation takes place in a respectful tone.

When requesting more information, the response is more informative and detailed, and the language remains respectful.

How does this work under the hood?

As you can see from the figure below, the tool has access to customer profile data in MongoDB Atlas collection bfsi.user_data and is able to hyperpersonalize its response and recommendations based on various aspects of the customer profile.

A RAG process is implemented using the Iguazio AI Platform with MongoDB Atlas data platform. The Atlas Vector Search capabilities were used to find the relevant operational data stored in MongoDB (card name, annual fees, client occupation, interest rates, and more) to augment the contextual data during the interaction itself to personalize the interaction. The virtual agent is also able to talk to another agent tool that has a view of the credit card data in bfsi.card_info (such as card name, annual and joining fees, card perks such as cashback, and more), to pick a credit card that would best suit the needs of the customer.

To ensure the client gets the best choice of card, a guardrail is added that filters the cards chosen according to the data gathered by the agent as a built-in component of the agent tool. In addition, another set of guardrails is added to validate that the card offered suits the customer by comparing the card with the optimal ones recommended for the customer's age range.

This whole process is straightforward to set up and configure using the Iguazio AI Platform, with seamless integration to MongoDB. The user only needs to create the agent workflow and connect it to MongoDB Atlas, and everything works out of the box.

Lastly, as you can see from the demo above, the agent was able to leverage the vector search capabilities of MongoDB Atlas to retrieve, summarize, and personalize the messaging on the card information and benefits in the same tone as the user's.

For more detailed information and resources on how MongoDB and Iguazio can transform your gen AI applications, we encourage you to apply for an exclusive innovation workshop with MongoDB's industry experts to explore bespoke modern app development and tailored solutions for your organization.

Additionally, you can enjoy these resources:

magicpin Builds India's Largest Hyperlocal Retail Platform on MongoDB

Despite its trillion-dollar economy, 90% of retail consumption in India still takes place offline . While online retail in India has grown in recent years, much of it still consists of dark stores (a retail outlet or distribution center that exists exclusively for online shopping) and warehouses, the majority of retail establishments-fashion, food, dining, nightlife, and groceries-thrive as physical stores. What's more, businesses looking to transition to online models are hindered by major platforms that focus primarily on clicks rather than encouraging transactions. This opportunity was the inspiration for the founders of magicpin , India's largest hyperlocal retail platform. magicpin has revolutionized the conventional pay-per-click model, where businesses bid on keywords or phrases related to their products or services and then pay a fee each time someone clicks on an ad, with a new pay-per-conversion strategy. In a pay-per-conversion model, businesses only pay when they make an actual sale of a product or item. magicpin does not rely on dark stores, warehouses, or deep discounting; instead, it collaborates with local retailers, augmenting foot traffic and preserving the essence of local economies. This unique model ensures that consumers not only enjoy existing in-store benefits, but also receive additional perks when opting to transact through magicpin. "We enable the discovery of those merchants," says Kunal Gupta, senior vice president at magicpin. "Which merchants in your local neighborhood are selling interesting stuff? What's their inventory? What savings can we offer to buyers? We have data for everything." Effectively three SaaS platforms in one, magicpin is a seller app, a buyer app, and a developing logistics app on the Open Network for Digital Commerce ( ONDC ), which is backed by the Indian government. With over 10 million users on its platform (covering the majority of Indian cities and over 100 localities), magicpin has established itself as a leading offline retail discovery and savings app. magicpin currently has 250,000 merchants in categories ranging from food to fashion to pharmacy. The power behind magicpin has always been MongoDB's flexibility and scalability. And from the company's start in 2015, it became clear that magicpin was on to something special. "In the first week of March 2023 when we onboarded ONDC, we hit almost 10,000 transactions a day. In October last year, we peaked at 50,000 orders in a single day, which is a huge milestone," says Kunal. "When an ONDC order is placed, it flows through us. We manage the entire process-from sending the order to the merchant, assigning logistics personnel for pickup and delivery, to handling any customer support tickets that may arise. It's the seamless integration of these elements that defines our contribution to the intricate framework of ONDC." Having launched using the community version of MongoDB , Kunal realized that magicpin needed to make better use of its relatively lean tech team and allow them to focus more on building the business. He also saw that a managed service would be a more effective way of handling maintenance and related tasks. "We realized there had to be a better solution. We can't afford to have all the database expertise tied up with a team that's focusing on creating businesses and building applications," said Kunal. "That's when we started to use MongoDB Atlas." magicpin uses a multitude of technologies, to store over 600 million SKUs, and handle its SaaS platform, session cache, card, and order management, and MongoDB Atlas sits at the heart of the business. "For our operational and scaling needs, it's seamless," Kunal concludes. "Availability is high, and monitoring and routing are super-good. Our lives have become much easier." Watch the full presentation on YouTube to learn more.

The MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) is Now Available

At MongoDB, everything starts with helping our customers solve their application and data challenges (regardless of use case). We talk to customers every day, and they're excited about gen AI. But they're also unsure how to move from concept to production, and need to control costs. So, finding the right way to adopt AI is critical. We're therefore thrilled to announce the general availability of the MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) ! A first-of-its-kind program, MAAP will help organizations take advantage of rapidly advancing AI technologies. It offers customers a wealth of resources to put AI applications into production: reference architectures and an end-to-end technology stack that includes integrations with leading technology providers, professional services, and a unified support system to help customers quickly build and deploy AI applications. Indeed, some early AI adopters found that legacy technologies can't manage the multi-modal data structures required to power AI applications. This was compounded by a lack of in-house skills and the perceived risk of integrating disparate components without support. As a result, businesses couldn't take advantage of AI advances quickly enough. Which is why we're excited that MAAP is now available: the MAAP program and its ecosystem of companies addresses these challenges comprehensively. MAAP offers customers the right expertise and solutions for their use cases, and removes integration risk. Meanwhile, the MAAP ecosystem seamlessly integrates many of the world's leading AI and tech organizations-a real value-add for customers. While the MAAP ecosystem is just getting started, it already includes tech leaders like Accenture, AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, as well as gen AI innovators Anthropic, Cohere, and LangChain. The result is a group of organizations that will enable customers to build differentiated, production-ready AI applications, while aiming to deliver substantial return on investment. Unlocking the power of data… It's an understatement to say that the AI landscape is ever-changing. To keep pace with the latest developments and customer expectations, access to trusted collaborators and a robust support system are critical for organizations who want to innovate with AI. What's more, innovating with AI can mean tackling data silos and overcoming limited in-house technical expertise-which MAAP solves for with a central architecture for gen AI applications, pre-configured integrations, and professional services to ensure organizations' requirements are met. This framework provides flexibility for technical and non-technical teams alike, empowering them to leverage AI and company data for tasks specific to their department, no matter their preferred cloud or LLM. The MAAP ecosystem-representing industry leaders from every part of the AI stack-includes Accenture , Anthropic , Anyscale , Arcee AI , AWS , Cohere , Credal , Fireworks AI , Google Cloud , gravity9 , LangChain , LlamaIndex , Microsoft Azure , Nomic , PeerIslands , Pureinsights , and Together AI . MongoDB is uniquely qualified to bring together the solutions MAAP offers: MongoDB customers can use any LLM provider, we can run anywhere (on all major cloud providers, on premises, and at the edge), and MongoDB offers seamless integrations with a variety of frameworks and systems. Perhaps most importantly, thousands of customers already rely on MongoDB to power their mission-critical apps, and we have years of experience helping customers unlock the power of data. The ultimate aim of MAAP is to enable customers to get the most out of their data, and to ensure that they can confidently innovate with AI. A recent success is Anywhere Real Estate (NASDAQ: HOUS), the parent company of well-known brands like Century 21, Coldwell Banker, and Sotheby's International Realty. Anywhere partnered with MongoDB to drive their digital transformation, and is now delving into the potential of MAAP to fast-track their AI adoption. By harnessing MongoDB's expertise, Anywhere is set to future-proof its tech stack and to excel in an increasingly AI-driven landscape. "Generative AI is a game-changer for Anywhere, and we're integrating it into our products with enthusiasm," said Damian Ng, Senior Vice President of Technology at Anywhere. "MongoDB has been an invaluable partner, helping us rapidly explore and develop new approaches and opportunities. The journey ahead is exciting!" …and clearing the way for AI innovation MAAP offers customers a clear path to developing and deploying AI-enriched applications. The cornerstone of MAAP is MongoDB : applications are underpinned by MongoDB, which securely unifies real-time, operational, unstructured, and AI-related data without the need for bolt-on solutions. MongoDB's open and integrated architecture provides easy access to the MAAP partner network and enables the extension and customization of applications. With MAAP, customers can: Accelerate their gen AI development with expert, hands-on support and services . MAAP expert services, combining the strengths of MongoDB Professional Services and industry-leading gen AI consultancies, will enable customers to rapidly innovate with AI. MAAP offers strategic guidance on roadmaps and skillsets, assists with data integration into advanced AI technologies, and can even develop production-ready applications. MAAP goes beyond development, empowering teams with best practices for securely integrating your data into scalable gen AI solutions, ensuring businesses are equipped to tackle future AI initiatives. Build high-performing gen AI applications that tackle industry-specific needs . Pre-designed architectures give customers repeatable, accelerated frameworks for building AI applications. Architectures are fully customizable and extendable to accommodate ever-evolving generative AI use cases, like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) or advanced AI capabilities like Agentic AI and advanced RAG technique integrations. With MongoDB's open and integrated platform at its core, innovation with MAAP's composable architectures is unlimited, making it easy for customers to bring the power of leading AI platforms directly to their applications. Upskill teams to quickly-and repeatedly-build modern AI applications . MAAP customers have access to a variety of learning materials , including a dedicated MAAP GitHub library featuring integration code, demos, and a gen AI application prototype. These comprehensive resources will enable developers to build intelligent, personalized applications faster, while giving organizations the tools to expand their in-house AI expertise. With MAAP, customers have access to integration and development best practices that they can use for future gen AI projects. It's early days, but there are wide-ranging indications that AI will impact everything from developer productivity to economic output. We've already seen customers use gen AI to speed modernization efforts, boost worker productivity with agents, unlock sales productivity , and power identity governance with natural language . In other words, AI is here to stay, and now is the time to take advantage of it. MAAP is designed to set customers up for AI success today and tomorrow: the program will be continuously enhanced with the latest technological advancements and industry best practices, to ensure that customers stay ahead of this rapidly evolving space. So please visit the MAAP page to learn more or to connect with the team! Our MAAP experts are happy to guide you on your AI journey and to show how the MongoDB AI Applications Program can help your organization.