European Parliament

09/20/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Activities of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre

Activities of the Emergency Response Coordination Centre


Priority question for written answer P-001773/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Anna Bryłka (NI)

During a plenary debate in Strasbourg on the subject of floods on 18 September 2024, Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, stated explicitly that:

'In Central and Eastern Europe, we have been monitoring the situation closely since 9 September. Providing regular updates from the Emergency Response Coordination Centre, our 24/7 operational crisis hub in Brussels, whilst in close collaboration with the Joint Research Centre [...] we provided early warnings to areas in danger from 10 September onwards, liaising with national authorities to raise awareness of the situation and to offer help, as well as sending over 100 warnings to authorities across the region by 13 September.'

  • 1.At what point did the Emergency Response Coordination Centre increase monitoring in the part of Europe at risk of flooding?
  • 2.For what reason was monitoring increased on 9 June, and what did this early warning consist of for the areas at risk?
  • 3.Could the Commission please list the Member States that received such an early warning?

Submitted: 20.9.2024