01/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/12/2024 15:11
Stay up to date during the postal strike and beyond!
Did you know City of Vaughan Public Notices are available online? During the postal strike and beyond, you can continue to read notices issued by the City at vaughan.ca/PublicNotice.
The following types of notices are published there:
Looking for a specific notice? The website has an easy-to-use search tool to find planning and governance notices, such as Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting) and Special Council (Budget) notices.
The City may also provide notices through mail or personal service, depending on applicable legislation. During the Canada Post labour disruption, residents might experience mail delays. Contingency plans are in place to ensure public notifications continue to be provided, as per the Planning Act:
Residents and businesses with questions about City services and programs that are affected by the Canada Post labour disruption can contact Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or [email protected]. You can also complete an online request or report an issue with a City service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at vaughan.ca/ServiceVaughan.
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