Houses of the Oireachtas

07/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/03/2024 09:09

Committee of Public Accounts to examine 2022 Financial Statements of Waterways Ireland

3 Jul 2024, 16:00

The Committee of Public Accounts (PAC) will meet tomorrow, Thursday, 4 July, in Committee Room 3 of Leinster House to examine the 2022 Financial Statements of Waterways Ireland.

The meeting at 9.30am will be joined by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, Mr Seamus McCarthy, and representatives from Waterways Ireland led by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr John McDonagh, who is the accountable person to the Committee of Public Accounts. Officials from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage will also be in attendance.

During the afternoon session, beginning at 1.30pm, the Committee will consider correspondence and other business of the Committee.

PAC Cathaoirleach Deputy Brian Stanley said: "Waterways Ireland is responsible for the management, maintenance, development, and restoration of navigable inland waterways primarily for recreational purposes. These include the Barrow Navigation, the Erne System, the Grand Canal, the Lower Bann, the Royal Canal, the Shannon-Erne Waterway and the Shannon Navigation.

"Waterways Ireland is one of the six all-Ireland North/South implementation bodies established in 1999 under the Good Friday Agreement and is sponsored by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in this State and the Department for Infrastructure (DFI) in the North.

"Funding is provided by grants from money voted by the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Houses of the Oireachtas, with 15 per cent of funding provided by Stormont and 85 per cent by the Irish Government. This cost allocation reflects the current distribution of waterways in each jurisdiction.

"Waterways Ireland had a deficit of €3.6 million in 2022. Total income for the year amounted to €58 million. This is made up of a current and capital grant funding of €46 million and other income of €12 million. Expenditure in 2022 totalled €61 million, made up of staff costs of €32 million, programme costs of €10 million, depreciation/interest cost of €11 million and other operation costs of €9 million.

"Important areas of interest for the Committee are proposals to change bye-laws and increase fees for permit holders; maintenance and promotion of greenways for recreational purposes; repairs, maintenance and restoration projects to critical navigation infrastructure; and the management of flood prevention projects. Further areas for examination include future capital plans, the Ulster Canal project, the Grand Canal Recreation Activation and Animation Plan, Greenway management, and biodiversity and climate action."

The meeting in Committee Room 3 can be viewed live on OireachtasTV.

PAC is a standing committee of Dáil Éireann which focuses on ensuring public services are run efficiently and achieve value for money. Further information on the role and remit of the Committee can be found here.

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.