NRCC - National Republican Congressional Committee

09/13/2024 | News release | Archived content

Will Rollins calls liberal Nancy Pelosi greatest Speaker in U.S. history

Will Rollins calls liberal Nancy Pelosi greatest Speaker in U.S. history

September 13, 2024

Will Rollins isn't fooling anyone.

Uncovered footage revealed Rollins called Nancy Pelosi the "greatest Speaker of the House of Representatives in U.S. history" even as his campaign struggles to trick voters into thinking he is a moderate.

Recall, Rollins vowed to "implement Kamala Harris' agenda" if elected.

In case you missed it…

NOTE: "Will Rollins is an extreme liberal wolf in sheep's clothing. Two-faced fraud Rollins peddles a fake moderate image in public while pledging lock-step loyalty to Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris behind closed doors."

Yet Another CA Democrat Caught Downplaying His Radicalism, Embellishing Prosecutorial Experience
Jennifer Van Laar

It's clear that for the Democrat party the unified message they're attempting to put out this election cycle is that they are the party of law-and-order, they support the military, and that their candidates are pragmatic and simply seek to bring unity and common sense to a divided and chaotic country instead of the radical leftists we know many of them to be. From Kamala Harris on down, that's the image, and if the candidate is a lawyer and they can claim that candidate is an attorney who ever worked as a prosecutor they'll claim that candidate is the most hard-nosed prosecutor you've ever seen.

Usually, though, it's not that difficult to find ways to get behind that carefully curated facade.

Congressional candidate Will Rollins, who's running in a purple district in southern California, is one such example. Like Harris, he's using a tough-on-crime prosecutor persona and references to his grandparents and his origin story to mask his radical beliefs.


But someone who doesn't believe in "extremism and the politics of division" doesn't praise Nancy Pelosi as the greatest Speaker of the House in U.S. History, and doesn't vow to make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker, as Rollins recently did at a recent online event.

RedState obtained video from that event. In this clip he praises Pelosi, and essentially pledges his allegiance to both Pelosi and her daughter, Christine:

He said:

And, of course, my gratitude to the greatest Speaker of the House of Representatives in U.S. history, Nancy Pelosi, for all of her incredible support going back to 2022. You know, she said something to me when I launched this second campaign that sticks to me to this day, which is, "You're in the second phase of a one-two punch," and we are gonna finish the job in November thanks to the help from Team Pelosi and, of course, the wonderful Christine Pelosi, who has also had my back since 2022. So thank you, Christine, for all of your help.

Of course, as the candidate in a targeted swing seat Rollins is expected to say things like, "Let's take back the House and make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker." But still, Hakeem Jeffries is a complete radical whose beliefs are not in line with those of the voters in Rollins' district.

Rollins said:

We're gonna win this thing and Hakeem Jeffries will be the next Speaker of the House. Thank you guys.


Ben Petersen, NRCC's Western Press Secretary, believes Rollins' comments on this video show who he really is:

"Will Rollins is an extreme liberal wolf in sheep's clothing. Two-faced fraud Rollins peddles a fake moderate image in public while pledging lock-step loyalty to Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris behind closed doors."

Rollins was also in the news this week as the Washington Free Beacon reviewed some of the cases he prosecuted as an Assistant US Attorney - and according to their review, Rollins was easy on drug dealers and routinely dismissed gun charges.

Rollins, who's openly gay and lives in Palm Springs… says he "served in law enforcement to keep our communities safe from drug traffickers and gangs." But the Haskins case wasn't a one-off: Rollins helped a slew of meth dealers secure cushy plea deals, the Free Beacon review of dozens of court records found. They were caught pushing thousands of doses of meth across central California.

Rollins says he wants to strengthen law enforcement task forces to target gang crime. But when a meth-peddling gang member faced life in prison in December 2016, Rollins successfully convinced the court to sentence him to just 10 years.

Rollins's campaign platform also includes tighter gun control measures, but he dropped firearm charges for two dealers. The Democrat also dropped some charges and offense levels for an illegal immigrant who helped sell two pounds of meth-enough for some 9,000 doses-and a dealer who left his children in his car alone with a customer while he went to collect drugs for the transaction.

Read more here.