CSO - Central Statistics Office Ireland

09/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/09/2024 17:22

Industrial Production and Turnover July 2024

Production in manufacturing industries up 2.2% in the three months to July 2024

Online ISSN: 2009-5384
CSO statistical publication, 09 September 2024, 11am

Advisory Note

The results presented in this release reflect contract manufacturing activity and outsourcing in the Irish industrial economy. This release is prepared in compliance with the requirement of EU Regulation 1165/98, as amended, and the standards set out in the UN 2010 International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production. These standards set out that outsourced production is included as part of an enterprise's Irish production.

The scale of contract manufacturing and outsourcing in the Irish industrial economy has increased since 2015, meaning that very high levels of short-term, i.e. monthly, volatility may be present in the indices presented in this release.

With this in mind, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) recommends that analysts take a longer-term view of the indices. Accordingly, much of the commentary presented by the CSO in the release will refer to rolling quarterly time periods.

Key Findings

  • From May to July 2024, production in manufacturing industries increased by 2.2% when compared with the previous three-month period.

  • On a monthly basis, production in manufacturing industries fell by 1.3% in July 2024.

  • When compared with the same three-month period in 2023, production in manufacturing industries was 4.3% lower in the three months from May to July 2024.

  • In the three-month period from May to July 2024, the Modern sector experienced an annual decrease of 6.6% in production when compared with the same three-month period in 2023. In contrast, annual production in the Traditional sector grew by 8.2% during the same period.

  • From May to July 2024, turnover in manufacturing industries was up by 4.9% when compared with the previous three-month period.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (09 September 2024) released the Industrial Production and Turnover Index for July 2024.

Commenting on the release, Colin Cotter, Statistician in the Enterprise Statistics Division, said: "Production in manufacturing industries increased by 2.2% from May to July 2024 when compared with the previous three-month period, driven by differences in performance between the highly globalised Modern sector and the Traditional sector (See Headline Table, Table 1, and Table 3b).

Monthly production in manufacturing industries fell by 1.3% between June and July 2024. On an annual basis, production in this sector was 4.3% lower in the three months from May to July 2024 when compared with the same period in 2023 (See Table 1 and Table 3b). The CSO recommends that analysts take a longer-term view of the indices because of the variability that can occur within the given months of a quarter.

The highly globalised Modern sector, which includes the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Computer & Electronic sectors, experienced a decrease of 6.6% in industrial production between May and July 2024, when compared with the same period in 2023. In contrast, the Traditional sector experienced an increase of 8.2% from May to July 2024, compared with the same period in 2023 (See Table 2 and Table 3b).

From May to July 2024, turnover in manufacturing industries was up by 4.9% when compared with the previous three-month period (See Headline Table, Table 4, and Table 3b).

In general, it should be noted that the results presented in this release reflect contract manufacturing activity in the multinational sectors."

Notice of Introduction of the Base 2021 series

The current Industrial Production and Turnover index series is calculated to Base 2015=100. The base period for these indices is updated every five/six years.

The rebased series (2021=100) which was originally scheduled to be introduced with the July data (released in September) has been postponed and will now be published in the September data, which will be issued in November. The rebased indices from January 2021 onwards will be calculated using weights based on the 2021 Census of Industrial Production and deflated using the rebased Wholesale Price Index 2021=100. Revisions to some components of raw data will be observed and explained fully as part of the revised series being published in the Industrial Production and Turnover release, with full details available on the CSO open data portal data.cso.ie (PxStat).

Note on Review of Seasonal Adjustment

In line with best practice, the CSO has been conducting a review of the seasonal adjustment methodology used in this monthly Industrial Production and Turnover series. This review is due to be finalised shortly and, in the meantime, the CSO will continue to implement the direct method of seasonal adjustment.

Headline Table

The headline table shows the seasonally adjusted and unadjusted Production and Turnover indices for Manufacturing industries. It also highlights the monthly and annual percentage changes for these indices, as well as percentage changes for the current compared with the previous quarter.

Manufacturing Industries - Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted Indices (Base Year 2015 = 100)
Seasonally Adjusted Unadjusted
Production Index Turnover Index Production Index Turnover Index
July 2023 143.2 129.0 149.3 135.8
June 2024 156.6 143.3 137.5 130.4
July 2024 154.6 152.3 158.4 159.2
Monthly % change -1.3% 6.3% 15.2% 22.1%
Annual % change 8.0% 18.1% 6.1% 17.3%
February 2024 - April 2024 156.0 139.2 134.3 128.9
May 2024 - July 2024 159.3 146.0 143.6 141.4
% change 2.2% 4.9% 6.9% 9.7%

Seasonally Adjusted Indices for Modern and Traditional sectors.

Figure 1 and Table 2 show the seasonally adjusted indices for the Modern and Traditional sectors.

Tables 1 & 1a relate to the seasonally adjusted and unadjusted indices for Industrial sectors.

Figure 1: Seasonally Adjusted Production Indices for Modern and Traditional Sectors, July 2022-July 2024

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

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Table 1 Seasonally Adjusted Production Indices for Industrial Sectors
Table 1 Seasonally Adjusted1 Production Indices for Industrial Sectors Base Year: 2015=100
Manufacturing Industries Industries
NACE 10 - 33 NACE 05 - 35
Period Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
2022 Year 186.0 20.0 181.9 18.9
2023 Year 171.0 -8.1 167.8 -7.7
2022 1st quarter 176.2 8.1 9.5 167.8 11.4 8.2
2nd quarter 175.7 -0.3 18.7 166.6 -0.7 15.0
3rd quarter 187.4 6.6 21.4 199.0 19.4 23.8
4th quarter 198.8 6.1 22.0 185.0 -7.0 22.8
2023 1st quarter 188.9 -5.0 7.2 181.8 -1.7 8.4
2nd quarter 179.8 -4.8 2.3 170.4 -6.3 2.3
3rd quarter 145.7 -18.9 -22.2 156.9 -7.9 -21.1
4th quarter 183.8 26.1 -7.5 162.8 3.8 -12.0
2024 1st quarter 151.9 -17.3 -19.6 149.4 -8.3 -17.9
2nd quarter 159.9 5.2 -11.1 152.6 2.2 -10.5
2022 July 152.0 -20.8 -6.0 158.6 -8.9 -3.7
August 203.6 33.9 40.2 222.2 40.1 42.5
September 206.7 1.5 32.1 216.1 -2.7 33.8
October 210.6 1.9 57.2 212.9 -1.5 56.6
November 199.8 -5.1 42.9 199.6 -6.2 39.1
December 185.9 -7.0 -13.6 142.6 -28.6 -17.3
2023 January 213.9 15.1 21.6 214.2 50.2 25.3
February 231.1 8.1 29.6 214.7 0.3 29.2
March 121.7 -47.4 -30.2 116.5 -45.7 -29.8
April 183.0 50.4 26.2 178.5 53.1 23.6
May 157.3 -14.0 -17.4 151.3 -15.2 -16.6
June 199.1 26.5 3.8 181.4 19.9 4.2
July 143.2 -28.1 -5.8 151.7 -16.4 -4.3
August 145.8 1.8 -28.4 162.6 7.1 -26.8
September 148.2 1.7 -28.3 156.4 -3.8 -27.6
October 140.5 -5.2 -33.3 145.2 -7.2 -31.8
November 157.4 12.0 -21.2 155.7 7.2 -22.0
December 253.5 61.0 36.4 187.6 20.5 31.5
2024 January 144.3 -43.1 -32.5 149.2 -20.5 -30.3
February 144.8 0.3 -37.4 141.8 -4.9 -33.9
March 166.8 15.2 37.1 157.0 10.7 34.7
April 156.3 -6.3 -14.6 151.9 -3.2 -14.9
May 166.8 6.7 6.0 159.1 4.8 5.1
June 156.6 -6.1 -21.3 146.7 -7.8 -19.1
July2 154.6 -1.3 8.0 160.2 9.2 5.6
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
2 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.

Table 1a Unadjusted Production Indices for Industrial Sectors
Table 1a Unadjusted Production Indices for Industrial Sectors Base Year: 2015=100
Manufacturing Industries Industries
NACE 10 - 33 NACE 05 - 35
Period Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
2022 Year 186.0 20.0 181.9 18.9
2023 Year 171.0 -8.1 167.8 -7.7
2022 1st quarter 160.1 -7.5 9.0 157.3 -7.2 7.6
2nd quarter 154.0 -3.8 16.2 151.3 -3.8 14.9
3rd quarter 204.3 32.7 22.0 199.1 31.5 21.0
4th quarter 225.5 10.3 30.3 220.0 10.5 29.8
2023 1st quarter 173.0 -23.3 8.1 169.6 -22.9 7.8
2nd quarter 160.3 -7.3 4.1 157.7 -7.0 4.2
3rd quarter 158.6 -1.1 -22.4 156.0 -1.1 -21.6
4th quarter 191.9 21.0 -14.9 188.1 20.5 -14.5
2024 1st quarter 137.8 -28.2 -20.3 136.6 -27.4 -19.4
2nd quarter 141.6 2.7 -11.7 139.8 2.4 -11.3
2022 July 160.6 -1.0 -6.1 157.0 -1.3 -6.5
August 160.0 -0.4 39.1 156.5 -0.3 36.3
September 292.4 82.8 35.2 283.8 81.4 34.4
October 276.2 -5.6 52.1 269.0 -5.2 51.4
November 266.6 -3.5 46.4 259.7 -3.5 45.5
December 133.7 -49.8 -13.9 131.4 -49.4 -13.8
2023 January 243.0 81.7 19.9 236.7 80.1 19.4
February 175.2 -27.9 29.1 171.5 -27.5 28.1
March 100.8 -42.5 -28.9 100.5 -41.4 -28.0
April 182.2 80.8 23.0 178.8 77.8 22.6
May 126.5 -30.6 -16.5 125.4 -29.9 -15.9
June 172.3 36.2 6.2 169.0 34.8 6.3
July 149.3 -13.3 -7.0 147.2 -12.9 -6.2
August 114.2 -23.5 -28.6 113.4 -23.0 -27.5
September 212.2 85.8 -27.4 207.4 83.0 -26.9
October 181.2 -14.6 -34.4 177.5 -14.4 -34.0
November 212.6 17.3 -20.2 208.0 17.1 -19.9
December 182.0 -14.4 36.1 178.7 -14.1 36.0
2024 January 162.9 -10.5 -32.9 160.7 -10.1 -32.1
February 110.1 -32.4 -37.2 110.0 -31.6 -35.9
March 140.4 27.5 39.3 139.2 26.6 38.4
April 152.4 8.5 -16.4 150.4 8.1 -15.9
May 134.8 -11.6 6.5 133.5 -11.3 6.4
June 137.5 2.0 -20.2 135.6 1.6 -19.7
July1 158.4 15.2 6.1 155.8 14.8 5.8
1 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.

Table 2 Seasonally Adjusted Production Indices for Modern and Traditional Sectors
Table 2 Seasonally Adjusted1 Production Indices for Modern and Traditional Sectors2 Base Year: 2015=100
Modern Sector Traditional Sector (All excluding Modern)
Period Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
2022 Year 199.1 21.6 117.4 4.5
2023 Year 179.3 -9.9 124.8 6.2
2022 1st quarter 180.8 10.5 7.6 116.9 7.3 6.2
2nd quarter 182.7 1.0 20.8 113.4 -3.0 -5.4
3rd quarter 221.2 21.1 27.8 119.6 5.5 8.5
4th quarter 204.4 -7.6 25.0 120.2 0.5 10.3
2023 1st quarter 194.0 -5.1 7.3 120.9 0.6 3.4
2nd quarter 184.3 -5.0 0.9 123.0 1.7 8.4
3rd quarter 165.4 -10.2 -25.2 126.7 3.1 6.0
4th quarter 173.5 4.9 -15.1 129.3 2.1 7.6
2024 1st quarter 150.9 -13.0 -22.2 133.8 3.5 10.7
2nd quarter 157.5 4.4 -14.5 136.3 1.9 10.9
2022 July 167.3 -15.2 -3.8 119.4 7.5 6.5
August 254.2 52.0 49.8 122.5 2.6 11.3
September 242.0 -4.8 37.9 116.9 -4.5 7.9
October 238.6 -1.4 63.8 128.9 10.3 16.8
November 222.5 -6.7 45.0 124.6 -3.4 7.9
December 152.2 -31.6 -20.6 107.1 -14.0 6.0
2023 January 215.2 41.4 22.9 122.4 14.3 4.5
February 250.1 16.2 35.3 120.8 -1.3 1.4
March 116.7 -53.3 -36.0 119.5 -1.1 4.3
April 189.1 62.0 26.8 119.7 0.2 5.7
May 157.4 -16.8 -21.9 127.3 6.4 9.9
June 206.3 31.1 4.6 121.9 -4.2 9.7
July 159.2 -22.8 -4.8 125.8 3.2 5.3
August 170.7 7.2 -32.8 125.9 0.0 2.8
September 166.3 -2.6 -31.3 128.5 2.1 9.9
October 153.0 -8.0 -35.9 125.6 -2.3 -2.6
November 165.1 7.9 -25.8 128.9 2.6 3.4
December 202.5 22.6 33.1 133.6 3.7 24.7
2024 January 139.9 -30.9 -35.0 132.8 -0.6 8.5
February 144.2 3.1 -42.4 131.1 -1.3 8.5
March 168.8 17.1 44.6 137.6 5.0 15.1
April 151.7 -10.1 -19.8 137.2 -0.3 14.6
May 165.7 9.2 5.3 134.8 -1.7 5.9
June 155.2 -6.4 -24.8 137.0 1.7 12.4
July3 167.5 8.0 5.2 134.0 -2.2 6.5
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
2 See Background notes for detailed breakdown.
3 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.

Seasonally Adjusted Production and Turnover Indices

Figure 2 and Table 3b show the seasonally adjusted percentage changes in Manufacturing Industries for a rolling three-month provisional average.

Table 3a relates to provisional results for July and Table 3c relates to final results for June.

Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Chart context menuSource: CSO IrelandManufacturing Industries (10-33)Food Products (10)Meat & Meat Products (101)Dairy Products (105)Bakery & Farinaceous Products (107)Grain Mill & Starch Products; Prepared Animal Feeds (106,109)Other Food Products (102-104,108)Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather Related Products (13-15)Wood & Wood Products, except Furniture (16)Paper & Paper Products; Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media (17-18)Rubber & Plastic Products (22)Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products (23)Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products (24-25)Electrical Equipment (27)Transport Equipment (29-30)Tobacco, Leather, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Transport Equipment,​Furniture, Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment (12,15,19,29-31,33)Highcharts.comFigure 2: Seasonally Adjusted Percentage Changes in Manufacturing Industries, February 2024-April 2024 to May 2024-July 2024
Production Turnover
Manufacturing Industries (10-33) 2.2 4.9
Food Products (10) -1.4 0.7
Meat & Meat Products (101) -2.5 -1.3
Dairy Products (105) -2 -4.4
Bakery & Farinaceous Products (107) 0.1 -1.3
Grain Mill & Starch Products; Prepared Animal Feeds (106,109) 20.6 8.7
Other Food Products (102-104,108) -0.7 0.6
Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather Related Products (13-15) 4.5 3.2
Wood & Wood Products, except Furniture (16) 20.7 9
Paper & Paper Products; Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media (17-18) -0.5 -3
Rubber & Plastic Products (22) 2.4 6
Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products (23) 2.1 5.7
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products (24-25) -6.1 -5.5
Electrical Equipment (27) 0.2 -4.5
Transport Equipment (29-30) -5.7 -1.7
Tobacco, Leather, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Transport Equipment,
Furniture, Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment (12,15,19,29-31,33)
0.3 -3.4
Table 3a Seasonally Adjusted Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - Provisional Results July 2024
Table 3a Seasonally Adjusted1 Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - Provisional Results July 20242 Base Year: 2015=100
Production Turnover
Industrial Sector (NACE Rev.2) Index % change on previous month Annual % change Index % change on previous month Annual % change
Food Products (10) 155.8 -0.7 18.1 145.0 4.0 5.9
Meat & Meat Products (101) 120.7 0.0 -1.9 140.8 -0.7 0.0
Dairy Products (105) 132.9 1.6 4.9 186.6 2.2 -4.9
Bakery & Farinaceous Products (107) 121.3 3.4 2.5 125.7 4.4 6.0
Grain Mill & Starch Products; Prepared Animal Feeds (106,109) 190.7 1.8 -0.5 179.3 0.0 -4.1
Other Food Products (102-104,108) 163.3 -0.7 22.4 131.6 13.7 19.8
Beverages (11) * * * * * *
Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather Related Products (13-15) 100.5 -1.0 -1.7 147.9 -1.1 -8.9
Wood & Wood Products, except Furniture (16) 313.2 6.0 43.1 230.0 5.5 20.2
Paper & Paper Products; Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media (17-18) 67.3 -1.9 -19.2 86.6 -0.9 -7.2
Chemicals & Chemical Products (20) * * * * * *
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21) * * * * * *
Rubber & Plastic Products (22) 162.2 3.0 13.6 206.5 7.3 15.7
Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products (23) 148.2 2.5 -1.9 204.8 5.0 5.5
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products (24-25) 189.7 4.8 3.1 232.7 2.1 7.6
Computer, Electronic & Optical Products (26) * * * * * *
Electrical Equipment (27) 183.6 5.5 14.2 182.1 1.2 1.4
Machinery & Equipment, not elsewhere classified (28) * * * * * *
Transport Equipment (29-30) 110.9 11.8 -1.4 121.7 20.3 8.9
Tobacco, Leather, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Transport Equipment, Furniture, Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment (12,15,19,29-31,33) 94.7 -3.9 -13.2 130.5 -10.9 -14.3
Modern (20,21,26,27,182,325) 167.5 8.0 5.2 .. .. ..
Traditional (All excluding Modern) 134.0 -2.2 6.5 .. .. ..
Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning Supply (35) 79.2 3.3 -1.1 .. .. ..
Manufacturing Industries (10-33) 154.6 -1.3 8.0 152.3 6.3 18.1
Mining & Quarrying (05-09) * * * 251.0 -6.0 -27.4
Transportable Goods Industries (05-33) 163.3 8.3 7.7 152.7 6.2 17.7
Industries (05-35) 160.2 9.2 5.6 .. .. ..
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
2 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.
* Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
.. Data not available.

Table 3b Seasonally Adjusted Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - 3 monthly Provisional Results
Table 3b Seasonally Adjusted1 Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - 3 monthly Provisional Results2 Base Year: 2015=100
May 2024 - July 2024 May 2024 - July 2024
Production Turnover
Industrial Sector (NACE Rev.2) Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
Food Products (10) 157.8 -1.4 21.5 143.2 0.7 3.6
Meat & Meat Products (101) 121.1 -2.5 -2.3 142.3 -1.3 0.0
Dairy Products (105) 131.5 -2.0 6.4 184.2 -4.4 -6.4
Bakery & Farinaceous Products (107) 120.4 0.1 1.6 124.7 -1.3 3.9
Grain Mill & Starch Products; Prepared Animal Feeds (106,109) 190.2 20.6 2.6 179.4 8.7 -3.2
Other Food Products (102-104,108) 166.4 -0.7 27.5 127.4 0.6 12.4
Beverages (11) * * * * * *
Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather Related Products (13-15) 99.5 4.5 0.6 145.7 3.2 -2.9
Wood & Wood Products, except Furniture (16) 299.2 20.7 25.4 223.1 9.0 5.7
Paper & Paper Products; Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media (17-18) 69.1 -0.5 -17.6 88.3 -3.0 -9.9
Chemicals & Chemical Products (20) * * * * * *
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21) * * * * * *
Rubber & Plastic Products (22) 156.8 2.4 10.1 197.3 6.0 13.2
Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products (23) 149.3 2.1 -4.2 198.9 5.7 0.7
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products (24-25) 182.8 -6.1 -3.4 232.1 -5.5 2.1
Computer, Electronic & Optical Products (26) * * * * * *
Electrical Equipment (27) 178.9 0.2 14.5 179.9 -4.5 6.5
Machinery & Equipment, not elsewhere classified (28) * * * * * *
Transport Equipment (29-30) 110.9 -5.7 0.8 119.8 -1.7 6.0
Tobacco, Leather, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Transport Equipment, Furniture, Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment (12,15,19,29-31,33) 97.8 0.3 -14.4 141.3 -3.4 -9.6
Modern (20,21,26,27,182,325) 162.8 5.1 -6.6 .. .. ..
Traditional (All excluding Modern) 135.3 0.0 8.2 .. .. ..
Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning Supply (35) 78.3 -7.9 6.8 .. .. ..
Manufacturing Industries (10-33) 159.3 2.2 -4.3 146.0 4.9 14.2
Mining & Quarrying (05-09) * * * 269.2 -3.0 -19.6
Transportable Goods Industries (05-33) 159.1 3.8 -4.1 146.6 4.9 13.8
Industries (05-35) 155.4 3.4 -3.8 .. .. ..
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
2 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.
* Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
.. Data not available.

Table 3c Seasonally Adjusted Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - Final Results June 2024
Table 3c Seasonally Adjusted1 Production and Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors - Final Results June 2024 Base Year: 2015=100
Production Turnover
Industrial Sector (NACE Rev.2) Index % change on previous month Annual % change Index % change on previous month Annual % change
Food Products (10) 156.9 -2.3 27.4 139.4 -4.0 1.5
Meat & Meat Products (101) 120.7 -1.0 -4.9 141.8 -1.8 -2.5
Dairy Products (105) 130.8 0.1 7.2 182.6 -0.3 -6.4
Bakery & Farinaceous Products (107) 117.4 -4.3 -1.0 120.4 -5.8 0.8
Grain Mill & Starch Products; Prepared Animal Feeds (106,109) 187.4 -2.6 6.3 179.3 -0.1 -3.5
Other Food Products (102-104,108) 164.5 -4.1 38.2 115.8 -14.2 4.1
Beverages (11) * * * * * *
Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather Related Products (13-15) 101.5 5.2 1.7 149.6 7.1 -0.1
Wood & Wood Products, except Furniture (16) 295.4 2.2 23.4 217.9 -1.5 2.8
Paper & Paper Products; Printing & Reproduction of Recorded Media (17-18) 68.6 -4.0 -15.0 87.4 -3.7 -16.8
Chemicals & Chemical Products (20) * * * * * *
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21) * * * * * *
Rubber & Plastic Products (22) 157.4 4.5 14.7 192.5 -0.2 12.0
Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products (23) 144.5 -6.9 -6.5 195.0 -0.9 -2.1
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products (24-25) 181.1 2.0 -0.3 228.0 -3.2 5.7
Computer, Electronic & Optical Products (26) * * * * * *
Electrical Equipment (27) 174.1 -2.7 3.1 179.9 1.3 -4.8
Machinery & Equipment, not elsewhere classified (28) * * * * * *
Transport Equipment (29-30) 99.1 -19.2 -10.9 101.1 -26.0 -13.6
Tobacco, Leather, Coke & Refined Petroleum Products, Transport Equipment, Furniture, Repair & Installation of Machinery & Equipment (12,15,19,29-31,33) 98.5 -1.7 -14.8 146.4 -0.4 -5.2
Modern (20,21,26,27,182,325) 155.2 -6.4 -24.8 .. .. ..
Traditional (All excluding Modern) 137.0 1.7 12.4 .. .. ..
Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning Supply (35) 76.7 -3.1 13.7 .. .. ..
Manufacturing Industries (10-33) 156.6 -6.1 -21.3 143.3 0.5 -6.7
Mining & Quarrying (05-09) * * * 267.0 -7.8 -19.8
Transportable Goods Industries (05-33) 150.8 -7.6 -21.4 143.8 0.4 -6.9
Industries (05-35) 146.7 -7.8 -19.1 .. .. ..
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
* Data suppressed for confidentiality reasons.
.. Data not available.

Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted Indices for Turnover

Tables 4 & 4a show the seasonally adjusted and unadjusted Turnover indices for Industrial sectors.

Table 4 Seasonally Adjusted Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors
Table 4 Seasonally Adjusted1 Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors Base Year: 2015=100
Manufacturing Industries Transportable Goods Industries2
NACE 10 - 33 NACE 05 - 33
Period Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
2022 Year 156.0 23.4 156.7 23.4
2023 Year 142.8 -8.5 143.5 -8.4
2022 1st quarter 136.1 0.8 14.0 137.0 1.1 14.4
2nd quarter 147.9 8.6 20.3 148.6 8.5 20.3
3rd quarter 162.3 9.8 25.0 162.9 9.6 25.0
4th quarter 173.6 7.0 28.6 174.2 6.9 28.5
2023 1st quarter 160.5 -7.5 17.9 161.2 -7.5 17.7
2nd quarter 134.3 -16.4 -9.2 135.2 -16.1 -9.1
3rd quarter 130.8 -2.6 -19.4 131.6 -2.6 -19.2
4th quarter 150.0 14.7 -13.6 150.7 14.5 -13.5
2024 1st quarter 134.0 -10.6 -16.5 134.7 -10.6 -16.4
2nd quarter 142.7 6.5 6.3 143.3 6.4 6.0
2022 July 143.8 -6.9 9.6 144.2 -7.1 9.6
August 167.9 16.8 27.6 168.5 16.9 27.6
September 175.2 4.4 38.2 175.9 4.4 38.1
October 202.3 15.4 66.2 202.8 15.3 66.1
November 165.0 -18.4 26.3 165.6 -18.4 26.1
December 153.6 -6.9 0.6 154.1 -7.0 0.6
2023 January 165.1 7.4 21.2 165.7 7.5 21.1
February 171.7 4.0 30.0 172.2 3.9 29.8
March 144.9 -15.6 3.3 145.6 -15.4 3.0
April 147.9 2.1 11.3 148.7 2.1 11.1
May 101.2 -31.6 -35.2 102.4 -31.1 -34.8
June 153.6 51.8 -0.6 154.5 50.9 -0.5
July 129.0 -16.1 -10.3 129.7 -16.0 -10.0
August 132.8 3.0 -20.9 133.6 3.0 -20.7
September 130.6 -1.6 -25.4 131.4 -1.7 -25.3
October 130.5 -0.1 -35.5 131.1 -0.2 -35.3
November 128.6 -1.5 -22.1 129.4 -1.3 -21.8
December 190.9 48.5 24.3 191.4 47.9 24.2
2024 January 126.8 -33.6 -23.2 127.5 -33.4 -23.0
February 129.0 1.8 -24.8 129.8 1.8 -24.6
March 146.3 13.4 1.0 146.8 13.1 0.8
April 142.2 -2.8 -3.9 142.8 -2.7 -4.0
May 142.5 0.2 40.8 143.2 0.3 39.9
June 143.3 0.5 -6.7 143.8 0.4 -6.9
July3 152.3 6.3 18.1 152.7 6.2 17.7
1 Based on Seasonal Patterns up to July 2024, individual series are independently adjusted.
2 See Background notes for detailed breakdown.
3 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.

Table 4a Unadjusted Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors
Table 4a Unadjusted Turnover Indices for Industrial Sectors Base Year: 2015=100
Manufacturing Industries Transportable Goods Industries1
NACE 10 - 33 NACE 05 - 33
Period Index % change on previous period Annual % change Index % change on previous period Annual % change
2022 Year 156.0 23.4 156.7 23.4
2023 Year 142.8 -8.5 143.5 -8.4
2022 1st quarter 132.7 -1.4 13.9 133.4 -1.3 14.3
2nd quarter 139.6 5.2 19.9 140.4 5.3 20.0
3rd quarter 174.7 25.2 26.4 175.3 24.9 26.3
4th quarter 177.0 1.3 31.5 177.5 1.2 31.4
2023 1st quarter 156.7 -11.4 18.1 157.2 -11.4 17.9
2nd quarter 127.9 -18.4 -8.3 128.9 -18.0 -8.2
3rd quarter 140.3 9.7 -19.7 141.2 9.6 -19.5
4th quarter 146.1 4.1 -17.5 146.8 3.9 -17.3
2024 1st quarter 129.2 -11.6 -17.6 129.7 -11.6 -17.5
2nd quarter 136.2 5.4 6.4 136.8 5.5 6.2
2022 July 152.4 10.5 9.2 152.9 10.2 9.3
August 143.8 -5.7 28.3 144.6 -5.4 28.3
September 227.9 58.5 39.6 228.5 58.0 39.5
October 230.6 1.2 66.5 231.1 1.1 66.3
November 178.5 -22.6 25.3 179.0 -22.5 25.2
December 122.0 -31.7 -0.7 122.4 -31.6 -0.7
2023 January 189.3 55.2 20.6 189.5 54.8 20.4
February 156.6 -17.3 29.1 157.0 -17.2 28.9
March 124.3 -20.6 3.7 125.1 -20.3 3.5
April 150.4 21.0 9.6 151.2 20.9 9.4
May 94.6 -37.1 -34.0 95.8 -36.6 -33.6
June 138.8 46.7 0.6 139.7 45.8 0.7
July 135.8 -2.2 -10.9 136.6 -2.2 -10.6
August 114.4 -15.8 -20.5 115.3 -15.6 -20.2
September 170.8 49.3 -25.0 171.7 48.8 -24.9
October 150.0 -12.2 -34.9 150.7 -12.2 -34.8
November 138.0 -8.0 -22.7 138.9 -7.8 -22.4
December 150.3 9.0 23.2 150.8 8.6 23.2
2024 January 144.2 -4.1 -23.8 144.7 -4.1 -23.6
February 117.2 -18.7 -25.2 117.8 -18.6 -24.9
March 126.2 7.7 1.5 126.7 7.5 1.3
April 143.4 13.6 -4.7 144.0 13.7 -4.7
May 134.7 -6.1 42.4 135.5 -5.9 41.5
June 130.4 -3.2 -6.0 131.0 -3.4 -6.2
July2 159.2 22.1 17.3 159.7 21.9 16.9
1 See Background notes for detailed breakdown.
2 Provisional Indices based on early returns from respondents.