City of Newton, IA

05/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 13:09

Building Safety Month Week Two: Preparing Your Building Safety Plan

As we delve into the second week of Building Safety Month, we turn our attention to our homes and everyday lives. This week is crucial as it underscores the significance of being prepared to protect against potential risks such as fire, water damage, and other hazards. By implementing a few straightforward measures, we can fortify the safety and resilience of our living spaces.

Preventive measures are the cornerstone of maintaining occupant health and safety, serving as a shield against fire and other hazards. Here are some quick tips to help you fortify your home:

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and inside every bedroom. As smoke rises, ensure they are placed on the ceiling or high on the wall. Test them regularly by pressing the test button and replacing the batteries annually or when the low battery warning chirps.
  • Designate a meeting place outside the home and create and practice an escape plan with your family.
  • To reduce fire risks, keep portable heaters at least three feet away from anything that can burn and maintain clear surroundings around your home.

Disaster preparedness is crucial to safeguarding our communities and minimizing damage. Here are some simple steps to consider:

  • Develop a family action plan and review exit routes from your home to a designated meeting place.
  • Create a disaster supply kit with essentials for staying safe during and after a disaster.
  • Stay informed by tuning in to official radio, TV, or NOAA Weather Radio updates.

Building a sustainable future starts at home; small changes can significantly impact our environment and resources. Here are a few tips to make your home more sustainable:

  • Install water-saving fixtures and regularly check for leaks.
  • Practice proper waste disposal and avoid dumping anything down storm drains.
  • Maintain your heating and cooling systems by changing filters regularly.
  • Switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs and designs with recyclable and renewable materials.
  • Following local regulations, consider creating a rain garden to capture and reuse rainwater.

By incorporating these simple practices into our daily lives, we can contribute to a safer, more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. As we navigate Week Two of Building Safety Month, let's commit to preparing our homes and communities for whatever challenges may come our way.