Arizona Department of Transportation

07/05/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/05/2024 14:06

Maricopa Association of Governments bolsters ADOT’s battle against litter and weeds

Thanks to funding from Proposition 400 and our partners with the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), the regional transportation planning agency, ADOT commits a great deal of time and effort to removing litter and keeping up landscaping along Phoenix-area freeways. In the past two months alone, crews in the Valley have spent 2,268 hours addressing both weeds and litter.

Even so, there are some areas that are more difficult to get to on a regular basis with available resources. These locations include areas surrounding freeway-to-freeway interchanges as well as medians and the triangular gore areas between freeway travel lanes and on- and off-ramps.

That's why we're so grateful to MAG with additional cleanups in these hard-to-reach locations. The slideshow belowfrom I-10 near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport shows just one of these cleanups happening.

While our crews are at work, we encourage you to join our battle to keep litter off freeways and out of landscaping. As I've told some reporters in interviews, those wrappers, bottles, cups, cigarette butts and more don't get there on their own.

Please keep a litter bag in your vehicle and resist the temptation to toss items onto the freeway. If you are hauling light items that could blow onto the freeway and landscaping, please take a little extra time to make sure they are secured. Our partners at MAG have a wealth of information on reducing litter at Don't Trash Arizona's webpage:

We're committed to keeping state highways as clean as possible. Please do your part.