AEM - Association of Equipment Manufacturers

09/26/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2024 07:56

The AEM Manufacturing Express Hasn't Slowed It's Roll During Week 13 of Engagement

AEM's largest engagement initiative continues to gain momentum duringweek 13of the AEM Manufacturing Expressbus tour. As thetour continues its journey home throughtheMidwest, the final month of the association's national touris shaping up to be the most successful and memorable one yet.

AEM staff travelled to Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio this past week, visiting AEM member companies LBXCompany, Grote Industries, Trimble, Cummins, and Sullivan-Palatekto continue celebrating the equipment manufacturing industry and it's2.3 million dedicated employees.

Last week Thursdaythe AEM Manufacturing Express headed to Lexington, Kentucky to visit LBX, greeted by sunny weather and picturesque scenery. The event was hosted at LBXCompany's Customer Experience Centerandsaw one hundred employees attend to play the Manufacturing Challenge gameand celebrate Kentucky's commitment to equipment manufacturing.

LBX has a longstanding history of giving back to itslocal community, giving to programsin their areaincludingthe American Heart Association, Kentucky Blood Center, Special Olympics Kentucky, National Breast Cancer Foundation, and the Yes, Mamm! Program.The company's values are evidentin their work, as they strive to enhance the quality of life and make a positive impact in Kentucky.

Check out some photos from the event at LBXbelow, or visit the AEM Manufacturing Express Flickr gallery

Rolling into Madison, Indiana on Friday, AEM travelled to Grote Industriesfor an event with hundreds of employees and their families. The company has a large presence in the state; it employs over 500 residents in the local area andmakes a concerted effort to source what supplies they can locally.

Grote Industries is also involved in bolstering the local manufacturing workforce, hosting students from surrounding collegiate schools in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio for theirspring, summer, and fall internship programs.The company's impact on the local area is apparent, and itsdedication to uplifting Indiana will continue for years to come.

Check out some photos from the event at Grote Industriesbelow, or visit theAEM Manufacturing Express Flickr gallery

The AEM Manufacturing Express then made its way to Trimble's facility in Dayton, Ohio, a city renowned for its robust workforce that has propelled American technology and innovation to new heights.

Vice President of Global Operations for Trible Scott Meyerhoeffer reflected on the lasting impact of their workin Ohio and beyond: "Trimble's solutions help the everyday operator,"he said. "We hear stories daily of how our technology makes a difference-from small businesses boosting output to entry-level operators becoming top surveyors." Trimble's technology not only helps businesses grow but also provides workers with valuable skills, contributing to the future of the industry.

Check out some photos from the event at Trimble below, or visit the AEM Manufacturing Express Flickr gallery

Stormy weather could not keep the excitement away fromAEM's Tuesday visit to Cummins.Morning clouds parted to make way for beautiful sunny skies as company leaders, local officials and manufacturing employees all came together to honor the incredible work done here at Cummins to keep our world moving.

Columbus Mayor Mary Ferdon and members of Members of the Columbus City Councilattended the event. "It's so great to see 105 years of history here in Columbus," Mayor Ferdon said, "Cummins is so important to the success of our city and makesit a great place to live, work, and grow your family".

Check out some photos from the event at Cumminsbelow, or visit the AEM Manufacturing Express Flickr gallery

Roughly 175employees and 50 guests joined Sullivan-PalatekPresident and CEO Bruce McFee and Michigan City, Ind. Mayor Angie Nelson Deutichfor a morning spent celebrating the equipment manufacturing industry and its impact on the Midwest.

Sullivan-Palatekis one of several companies that manufacture air compressors in the area, which is known as the compressor manufacturing hub of the United States. Employees spent a couple of hours enjoying each other's companyata cookoutwhere theyplayed gamesand benefittedfrom sunny warm weather.

Check out some photos from the event at Sullivan-Palatekbelow, or visit the AEM Manufacturing Express Flickr gallery

In the coming week, the bus will make itsway back through the Midwest, stopping in Indiana, Iowa, and Illinois, before making its way back to Wisconsin to finish off the tour.

About the AEM Manufacturing Express

The most ambitious and impactful public engagement initiative in AEM's 130-year history, the AEM Manufacturing Express is an interactive mobile tour that will cover 20 states and make stops at more than 80 equipment manufacturers' facilities in the Midwest, South, Mid-Atlantic, and states around the Great Lakes this summer and into the fall. Stay in the know on all things AEM Manufacturing Express by visiting

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