Mitch McConnell

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 12:31

McConnell Remarks On Socialist Maduro Regime’s Repression In Venezuela

Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Venezuela:

"As the Maduro regime continues its attempt to steal an election, the people of Venezuela are standing up - forcefully - against the predations of a hellish, socialist dictatorship.

"Across the country, working Venezuelans are protesting in the streets. They've torn down a statue of Maduro's socialist predecessor, Hugo Chavez. And in at least one instance, security forces have removed their uniforms and refused to use force against the demonstrators.

"The people of Venezuela are putting up an inspired resistance. Unfortunately, they're up against an authoritarian who will stop at nothing to retain his grip on power. After all, Maduro has learned from the worst-Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Damascus, and Havana.

"And he has no shortage of useful idiots and fifth columns at his disposal.

"Some of the same corners of social media that defended Bashar Assad, spun conspiracies about Ukraine, and demonized Israel are now laughably accusing the CIA of masterminding Venezuela's unrest.

"Meanwhile, supposedly mainstream media here in America are already hard at work white-washing history.

"According to the New York Times, Venezuela's problem isn't the abject failure of socialism, but the incursion of a supposed 'brutal capitalism'.

"George Orwell would like a word.

"Mr. President, the free world ought to have the courage to look evil in the face and call it what it is."
