Texas Association of Broadcasters

12/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 10:08

Local Radio/TV Stations Shine in Serving Communities

posted on 12.03.2024

- TAB's Public Service Survey Deadline: Jan. 10

Public service continues to be one of local Radio and Television broadcasters' calling cards as they compete with unregulated media services that have no interest in reinvesting in communities across Texas, and this is the time to start putting numbers to stations' good work.

TAB this week is distributing its 27th annual public service research survey which asks stations to place a dollar value on some of their efforts and showcase the greatest impact they've made in 2024.

The results will be shared with policymakers in Congress, the FCC and the Texas Legislature as TAB advocates on various measures in the coming months.

Results for the electronic survey are due Jan. 10. Previous respondents will notice a much-streamlined survey that is easier to complete, especially for those with multiple licenses. Respondents can pause during the process without losing data already entered.

The final report does not extrapolate for stations that do not respond, underscoring the importance for all stations to participate. Only 11 percent of stations responded to last year's survey, reporting a total of $136.7 million in public service, including $51.3 million raised for charities.

In addition, the 220 stations responding reported $55.2 million in airtime for general public service messaging, and $30.2 million in airtime to help with disaster recovery.

Cumulatively, TAB has documented more than $6 BILLION in public service just by participating stations since the survey was first introduced in 1998.


While the survey requests specific data, it also provides stations an opportunity to go beyond the numbers and share stories of their 2024 public service efforts that proved most meaningful to their communities.

Stations are invited to submit photos, as well as audio or video content, no longer than 90 seconds highlighting what stations consider to be their best community service project of the year.

The survey is completely electronic, and staff assigned the task of responding can pause during the process without losing data already entered.

Stations will begin receiving weekly reminders until the January 10 deadline.

The survey will be sent to station GMs or an alternate staff member if they've designated one.

Questions? Contact Oscar Rodriguez or Barbara Rodgers, or call (512) 322-9944.