DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

09/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/25/2024 09:19

The 118th Congress is Jen Kiggans and House Republicans’ Dress Rehearsal for Trump’s Project 2025

Voters don't have to use their imagination on what a Project 2025 agenda would look like if House Republicans had their way.

Jen Kiggans and House Republicans have already repeatedly endorsed or actively tried to legislate Project 2025's least popular schemes during the 118th Congress, including:

Working to ban or restrict access to reproductive care by:

Working to cut Medicare and raise health care costs by:

  • Raising costs for 3.3 million people on Medicare by eliminating the Inflation Reduction Act caps on prescription drugs - including the $35 per month cap on insulin.

    • The insulin price cap is saving 3,600 people in VA-02 an average of $480 a year.

  • Privatizing Medicare, which could limit patients' choice of physicians and hospitals, give a massive handout to corporations, and raise costs for seniors.

Working to raise taxes on working families while giving the ultra wealthy and big corporations a massive handout by:

  • Increasing taxes for working families and allowing the ultra wealthy to pay less.

  • Cutting taxes for big corporations.

  • Repealing key provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that are making it more affordable for Americans to weatherize their homes, install new heating or cooling systems, or cut their energy bills.

Project 2025 continues to grow more and more unpopular with voters across the country. Polling from this month shows 57% of voters dislike Project 2025.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
"Project 2025 isn't theoretical: it's the dangerous agenda that Jen Kiggans and House Republicans have pushed for the past two years. Voters can see her extremism on full display, and will reject Kiggans and House Republicans' efforts to pass abortion bans, cut taxes for the ultra wealthy, and rip away Virginians' health care in November."