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05/28/2024 | Press release | Archived content



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28 May 2024

Protecting lives: the new campaign to make road workers safer

In May, the road safety team and its partners working on roads and motorways launched a new awareness campaign called "Protecting lives...".


Protecting lives

The film, made by Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, presents a number of people telling their very moving stories of how they have been affected by this major concern. Each year, these people whose job it is to protect road users are themselves injured, and sometimes killed, when working to make the road safer. On the VINCI Autoroutes network, no fewer than 14 vehicles and five pedestrians have been hit since the start of 2024. Patrol workers, breakdown mechanics, police, paramedics and emergency response workers...It is their job is to keep us safe, but who keeps them safe? The aim of the campaign is twofold: to raise awareness of the risks these workers face and inform people about the safety corridor. The message is simple, when approaching teams working on the road, slow down, move over and avoid the worst.

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