Mike Huckabee

07/13/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/13/2024 19:49

Pray for President Trump

ByMike Huckabee

July13, 2024


Shots were fired at a Trump rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. Former President Trump grabbed his ear and dropped behind the podium. Secret Service agents rushed to cover him and helped him to his feet. He left clutching his right ear, which appeared bloodied, and fist-pumped to the crowd as he was taken to a waiting car to rush him to a hospital.

After a tense wait, his campaign reported that Trump "is fine." At this writing, we still don't know what happened. The AP is reporting that the shooter is dead and two people in the crowd were struck, one fatally.

The mainstream media has called it an "incident" and said Trump "falls" at rally. Are they so incompetent that they can't just tell the truth about what happened? The White House also said Biden had been notified of "the incident," pointedly not calling it a "shooting," although it's unclear whether that's out of an excess of caution or fear that their party's outrageous demonizing of Trump as an existential threat to America might have fired up one of their many deranged followers to attempt to assassinate him. Let's hope this finally convinces the Democrats to dial back their dangerously irresponsible rhetoric, especially in light of the recent report of them admitting in private that Trump's reelection would not really be a "threat to democracy."

I hope you'll join me in thanking God that this was not worse and for the heroism of the Secret Service agents, and in praying for President Trump's swift and complete recovery. Also, please keep anyone else who might have been struck and their families in your prayers.

I would not be at all surprised to see Trump continue with his planned convention appearances, with a bandage on his ear as a stunning visual reminder of the glaring difference between the fitness of the two candidates and of which side is really a violent threat. Let this be a wake-up call to end the overheated and divisive political rhetoric. And let it also stand as a stark rebuke to the Biden DOJ that the worst terrorist threat to America is not pro-life Christians and that they should spend their time going after actual potential assassins rather than 75-year-old grandmothers who prayed outside an abortion clinic.

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Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2024/7/pray-for-president-trump

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