NRCC - National Republican Congressional Committee

06/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 14:18

Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here

June 27, 2024

With recent news out of Syracuse about a tragic murder by an illegal immigrant, it's important to remember that John Mannion downplayed folks' concernsabout the migrant crisis facing New York.

John Mannion revealed his true beliefs when he said, "I represent those very Republican areas. … When you go into those rooms, you know, they are fearful that buses of migrants are going to come into where they live and change their community. It is just unbelievable to me, but I'm not surprised at the ignorance…"

A recent Emerson poll showed that immigration is a top issue for voters so Mannion's dismissiveness probably won't go over well.

"John Mannion's inability to accept voters' concerns about the migrant crisis while it wreaks havoc on Syracuse families is unacceptable." - NRCC Spokeswoman Savannah Viar