Robert C. Scott

10/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2024 14:25

Scott Statement on the September Jobs Report

As originally released by the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Democrats

WASHINGTON-Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03) released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statisticsannounced that the economy added 254,000 jobs in September, and the unemployment rate ticked down from 4.2 to 4.1 percent. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, 16.2 million jobs have been created, and workers have seen their hourly earnings grow by 18.1 percent on average.

"Four years ago, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. Today, the unemployment rate is 4.1 percent. Four years ago, roughly 800,000 people filed initial unemployment insurance claims during the week. Only 225,000 filed claims this week. Four years ago, the economy was in freefall and Americans were hoarding toilet paper; today the economy is strong,and Americans are thriving.

"The truth is the economy always performs better under Democratic Administrations. For example, President Trump is the first president in nearly 100 years to have lost more jobs than he created during his time in office. During President Trump's tenure, ten months of which he spent mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy lost 2.7 million jobs. During President Biden's time in office, nearly two years of which were spent recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy has added 16.2 million jobs. That is more jobs than any President has created in four years. And more jobs than any Republican President has created in eight years. The only President to create more jobs is President Clinton, who added 22.9 million jobs in eight years.

"Despite inheriting a struggling economy and a workforce devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden-Harris Administration successfully rebuilt the economy and delivered real, lasting results for the American people. The policies in the American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) helped to create millions of new jobs- reflecting Democrats' commitment to build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out.

"In ARPA and IRA, Democrats fought to put money in family bank accounts by passing stimulus payments, enacting the child tax credit, enhancing SNAP benefits, increasing unemployment insurance and saving the pensions of one million workersparticipating in the multi-employer pension fund. Democrat then lowered everyday costs for working families by reducing health care costs, reducing premiums on the Obamacare Marketplace and reducing drug costs, especially insulin, and reducing the costs of childcare. These measures not only helped families afford their day-to-day needs but by the end of the first year, child poverty was cut in half, and credit card delinquency was at its lowest point in nearly 30 years. And Congressional Democrats were able to accomplish this without a single Republican vote.

"And the Administration's commitment to invest in workers has paid off for families across America. The Census Bureau recently reportedthat the strong labor market and falling inflation contributed to a marked increase in real median household income, as well as a decrease in the official poverty rate. These investments demonstrate that policies that prioritize workers are also great for the economy.

"Every worker in America should be able to come home from work each day healthy, whole, and fairly compensated. Unfortunately, we know all too well that unscrupulous employers cut corners that put workers' lives at risk or violate their rights in the workplace. In 2023, 16.2 million Americans were able to count on their unions to help them secure higher pay, better benefits, and safer workplaces. Continuing to safeguard collective bargaining is just one of the ways this Administration and Congressional Democrats have ensured that workers have a share in the prosperity they work hard to create.

"Moreover, the Biden-Harris Administration remains committed to raising workers' wages. This is why in 2021, President Biden worked to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour. And earlier this year, the Department of Labor finalized a rule that would guarantee overtime pay for most salaried workers earning less than $58,656 per year, extending overtime protections for roughly an additional 4 million Americans. I will continue to support the Biden-Harris Administration's ongoing commitment to paying workers their fair share and having the security they need to provide for themselves and their families.

"The results of these policies speak for themselves - in the past four years, Democrats ensured working people were not left behind during this country's economic recovery. But the work is not over. Despite the resilience of the economy, there is more that can be done to lower costs, whether at the grocery store, the pharmacy counter, or when buying a home. Democrats are offering proposals to end price gouging, lower prescription drug costs, expand home ownership, increase the Pell grants, lower the cost of childcare, among many other things.

"In stark contrast, my House Republican colleagues have spent their time in the majority complaining and blaming othersbutnot offering Americans any solutions. And their record shows it. In the last two years, House Republicans have not passed a single piece of legislation that was signed into law that will meaningfullyreduce costs for the American people. Complaining about a problem is not a solution.

"As for me, I will continue my work in Congress, as I always have- working on policy solutions that will build on the progress we have made and create an economy where everyone can succeed."
