11/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/13/2024 13:53
Negative Declaration
Schenectady County - The Town of Rotterdam Town Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Improvements Project will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves a proposal for several improvements to the WWTP including rehabilitation of the primary clarifiers, belt filter press, and chlorine disinfection, installation of an intermediary pump station, and construction of a sequencing batch reactor to replace the trickling filters and rotating biological contactors. The proposed improvements are in response to recent State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit violations and age-related deterioration of existing equipment. In addition, the existing plant is nearing capacity and is hindering redevelopment efforts as well as the ability to connect existing on-site systems. The proposed improvements will upgrade the capacity of the plant from 1.5 MGD to 1.8 MGD average daily flow. Proposed items include installation of two new thickened sludge pumps, two new tertiary disk filters, a new UV disinfection system, and the installation of a lime sludge stabilization system. The project is located at 26 West Campbell Road in the Town of Rotterdam, New York.
Peter Comenzo
1100 Sunrise Boulevard
Roterdam , NY 12306