Ministry of Defence - Republic of Albania

09/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

239 young men and women begin the Basic Individual Training Course to join the Armed Forces, Minister Vengu: An inspiring example for all

239 young men and women begin the Basic Individual Training Course to join the Armed Forces, Minister Vengu: An inspiring example for all

Published: Monday, 16 September 2024 15:16

A total of 239 young men and women have been chosen to take part in the Basic Individual Training Course, marking their initial step towards becoming members of the Armed Forces. At the send-off ceremony, Defense Minister Pirro Vengu praised the recruits for their courageous choice of a path that requires dedication and sacrifice, calling them a source of inspiration for everyone.

"239 young men and women, amidst countless uncertainties, you have taken a significant step onto this path, choosing to embark on a journey that, while more challenging, is also richer and more rewarding-a journey that stands at the crossroads of investing in knowledge and investing in values. This journey will undoubtedly test your character, strength, and intellect. But as you move forward, you won't be alone-you'll have each other and the unwavering support of the academic staff guiding the course. I want to thank and commend them here today for their tireless commitment to proving, day after day, that the Armed Forces are one large family, just like the families that have raised you and brought you here to honor yourselves and your country," - said Minister Vengu.

"By choosing to be here today, you may have left behind certain comforts, but with this sacrifice comes a deeper sense of pride-not a hollow or boastful pride, but the pride of fulfilling a duty, improving yourself, and contributing to society. It is the pride of service and overcoming challenges as a unified team. This feeling is incomparable to anything else." - the Defense Minister continued.

Minister Vengu also encouraged the recruits to take pride in the nation's symbols and to serve as models of respect for Albania's traditions.
Out of the 239 successful candidates, 33 are women. Additionally, 25 candidates have completed higher education, 160 have completed secondary education, and 54 hold a nine-year basic education diploma. These candidates passed rigorous physical, intellectual, and psychological tests. They also met the security clearance criteria, as verified by the Defense Intelligence and Security Agency and the Military Police.

Anyone aged 18 to 27 with no legal complications and a clean moral record can apply to join the Armed Forces.
The Basic Individual Training (BIT) Course, regarded as the gateway to joining the Armed Forces and the first school of military education, begins today, September 16, and will continue until November 22 of this year. After successfully completing this intensive training, the recruits will take their oath to serve in various units of the Armed Forces. Those who join the Armed Forces will benefit from dignified financial compensation and excellent career opportunities.