European External Action Service

09/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2024 08:31

OSCE CiO Warsaw Human Dimension Conference 30 September - 11 October 2024

  1. The EU thanks the Maltese CiO and ODIHR for the excellent organisation of the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. While consensus on the annual mandated HDIM was again hindered by Russia and Belarus, we deeply appreciate this opportunity to engage with civil society representatives, many of whom took great risks to speak to us.
  2. We strongly support the Maltese Chairpersonship's efforts in seeking solutions for the top four leadership positions. It is our shared responsibility to ensure the effective implementation of the strong mandates of the autonomous institutions, ODIHR, RFoM and HCNM, ensure proper leadership, and guarantee their effective functioning and adequate budgets. We value their crucial work in helping all participating States implement OSCE commitments and address the consequences of Russia's unprovoked, unjustifiable and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, with Belarus' complicity, which regrettably continues to overshadow the conference. Russia must immediately cease its war of aggression and completely and unconditionally withdraw all its forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.
  3. Regrettably, unresolved conflicts persist in the OSCE region. The EU reiterates its unwavering support and commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and Georgia within their internationally recognised borders. The EU reaffirms its support for the sovereignty, inviolability of borders and territorial integrity of Armenia and Azerbaijan and remains fully committed to facilitating efforts to advance a comprehensive, just, sustainable, and lasting peace in the interest of all populations in the South Caucasus.
  4. As our fundamental principles and OSCE commitments continue to be violated, the human dimension of the comprehensive security concept proves to be more important than ever. Perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanityand other atrocity crimes must and will be held accountable according to international law.The Moscow Mechanism reports, as well as ODIHR's monitoring, are essential contributions to accountability mechanisms that have, or may in the future have, jurisdiction. We look forward to a number of side events discussing the most recent Moscow Mechanism reports findings, including on addressing arbitrary deprivation of liberty of Ukrainian civilians or discussing the link between internal repression and external aggression.
  5. As we look forward to constructively engaging in the discussions, we reaffirm that the EU will continue to call on all participating States, including within the EU, to live up to their international human rights obligations and OSCE commitments, as well as to speak up against the shrinking space and reprisals against civil society.