Detroit Regional Chamber

09/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 08:22

Statement From Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Sandy K. Baruah on Michigan’s Senate Race

Detroit Regional Chamber> Advocacy> Statement From Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Sandy K. Baruah on Michigan's Senate Race

Statement From Detroit Regional Chamber CEO Sandy K. Baruah on Michigan's Senate Race

September 27, 2024

Today, the Detroit Regional Chamber released the following statement from its President and Chief Executive Officer Sandy K. Baruah on behalf of its Political Action Committee (PAC). The PAC interviewed the Democratic and Republican candidates for Michigan's U.S. Senate seat this month but could not come to a two-thirds consensus for an endorsement to be made.

"Michigan elects giants to the U.S. Senate, from Arthur Vandenberg and Phil Hart to Robert Griffin and Carl Levin. Retiring U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow will no doubt fall into this same category. Replacing Stabenow is no small matter, and the Detroit Regional Chamber Political Action Committee gave extensive consideration to the choice between Representatives Elissa Slotkin and Mike Rogers.

Ultimately, the Chamber PAC decided not to make an endorsement in this race. Unlike some campaigns where voters are confronted with only unsatisfactory options, the race between Elissa Slotkin and Mike Rogers represents something rare - two exceptionally strong candidates who would serve Michigan well. Both Congresswoman Slotkin and former Congressman Rogers are far superior candidates to what television ads would have you believe.

While their individual campaigns will likely deny it, these two public servants share core similarities that matter much to the Chamber and the business community at-large. Both have proven national security credentials, a record in Congress for bipartisanship and willingness to buck their party extremists, an open and welcoming door to the business community, and partnership with the Chamber on key issues. Both have clearly demonstrated that they are in the race for the right reasons, not because they need the job. Regardless of who gets elected in November, the Chamber will be pleased to work with either and is confident that Michiganders will be proud to call Elissa Slotkin or Mike Rogers a U.S. Senator from Michigan.

Congresswoman Slotkin has been a tremendous friend of the Chamber. Even when we have disagreed, she has always listened and kept her door open. The Chamber, and I personally, appreciate her willingness to lead with a bipartisan message highlighted by her television ads featuring her service to Presidents Bush and Obama.

Former Congressman Rogers is someone I have seen in action during the difficult days after 9/11 in his role on the House Intelligence Committee. His service to our nation during those uncertain times deserves the thanks of all Michiganders and Americans. Additionally, Mike Rogers provided the Chamber PAC the most detailed and comprehensive interview our organization has experienced.

Slotkin or Rogers? Either way, Michigan wins."

- Sandy K. Baruah, President and Chief Executive Officer, Detroit Regional Chamber