City of Lima, OH

12/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 23:06

Snowbuster Volunteer Sign Up

Applications are now open for volunteers who wish to participate in the Snowbusters snow removal program. Snowbusters is a program that allows elderly and disabled residents within city limits to receive help removing the snow from their sidewalks and driveways. Volunteers can sign up now to be a Snowbuster volunteer by completing the online webform.

Volunteers are asked to indicate the time of day that works best for their schedules and use their own shovels and tools. This is a free service and there should be no exchange of money and/or goods.

The application for elderly and disabled residents wishing to receive assistance will be available in the coming weeks, with the number of volunteers determining the number of community members that can be assisted.

Please contact Charity Upshaw, Executive Assistant at 419-221-5202 with any questions about volunteering for the Snowbuster program.