
European Parliament

02/21/2024 | Press release | Archived content

possibility of expanding the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to include the outermost regions as well as the overseas countries and territories, particularly with a view to[...]

possibility of expanding the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to include the outermost regions as well as the overseas countries and territories, particularly with a view to combating forest fires


Question for written answer E-000560/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
André Rougé (ID)

The EU has adopted a reinforced strategy to combat forest fires. This led to a doubling of resources in 2023. This strategy is part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM) which can be activated by a state that does not have sufficient resources to cope when a disaster strikes, such as a forest fire, a flood or an earthquake.

Climate change, which is affecting the whole world, as well as the forest fires that are now spreading to overseas territories (as was the case last year in New Caledonia, near Poum) are justifiable reasons for the EU to expand the EUCPM and thereby provide local authorities with more support.

  • 1.How is the Commission planning to ensure that the outermost regions as well as the overseas countries and territories benefit from the same level of protection against forest fires, floods and earthquakes as countries in Europe do?
  • 2.Could it extend the reach of the EUCPM and the rescEU air fleet beyond a single continent by creating civil protection air bases in the West Indies, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean that would also work in conjunction with global initiatives tackling the problem of forest fires, so as to bring in international expertise on this subject?
