Kaleida Health

09/16/2024 | Press release | Archived content

2024 Stan Thompson Award for Outstanding Service in the Care of Injured Children

Updated: Thursday, September 26, 2024 10:14 AM

2024 Stan Thompson Award for Outstanding Service in the Care of Injured Children

Congratulations to the winner of the 2024 Stan Thompson Award: Bradley Sprague, pediatric STAT transport team coordinator!

Brad's excellence and dedication to his profession and community are displayed each and every day, on the job and off. This includes his dedication to the STAT team in ensuring not only competence, but also excellence in the care provided, simulation and outreach to community providers, car seat safety as a trained Child Passenger Safety Technician, community education through his position as the Main and Transit Fire Chief and much more. Having been at Oishei Children's Hospital (OCH) for over 15 years now, Brad loves the challenges and new experiences that his role has offered over his career, as well as seeing the positive outcomes from the patients he helps treat.

In 2024, we had three other phenomenal nominees for the Stan Thompson Award: Amanda Lagoda, RN, for her multifaceted efforts and dedication to Perioperative education; Chris Kaplewicz, RN, recognized for his efforts in fostering post trauma debriefs and education; and Levi Collier-Hezel, RN, for his passion in not only improving care provided, but also the well-being of his coworkers.

Thank you to the Kiwanis Club for continually supporting our amazing staff - and congratulations to Brad and all of the nominees!

More about the Stan Thompson Award & Kiwanis
The Stan Thompson Award for Outstanding Service in the Care for Injured Children in Western New York is awarded annually to an individual who demonstrates exceptional service in the care of injured children. Started in 2021, the award is supported by the local chapters of Kiwanis clubs in Western New York. Nominations are accepted from peers and leaders.

Kiwanis, an international organization dedicated to making a difference to kids all over the globe, has partnered with OCH and our staff for 30 years, starting in 1993. Each year, the organization collaborates with our trauma team to fund investments in equipment and other necessary projects, including funding a full-time research associate, which is required to be considered a Level 1 Trauma Center. Different Kiwanis clubs in our region initiate a wide variety of fundraising initiatives to raise money for these projects, all thanks to their amazing volunteers.