Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore

10/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/24/2024 21:40

Speech by Minister Chan Chun Sing at 20th Forum of Young Global Leaders Summit

First, let me express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the following three groups to acknowledge their contributions. First, the World Economic Forum for your impactful partnership. Thank you very much for being here. Second, to all our international guests whose presence here is not merely attendance but a representation of global unity and cooperation. Last but not least, to all our unsung heroes who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to make this event possible. Thank you very much.

2.I trust that all of you have had enriching experiences over the past few days, gaining fresh perspectives, forging meaningful connections and exchanging innovative ideas. These are the very seeds from which contributions of shared growth will flourish. However, the plotline of our global narrative is at a pivotal juncture.

3.We are now all having to navigate a world where the very fabric of global security, economic stability and international cooperation is being tested. Where domestic political landscapes are brought to divisions and social insecurities are heightened, technological advancements can be both the hope of new opportunities and the threat of deepened divides, if not harnessed well with wisdom and foresight.

4.Societal divide can easily distract from our collective focus on our long-term goals. Leaders without sufficient will and wit to navigate these pressures will easily succumb to the tyranny of the urgent and popular, rather than focusing on what really matters for our people in both the immediate and long term.

5.But it is in the face of such challenges that the resilience of a generation is forged. It is our collective responsibility to shape a brighter future - a future shaped by leaders who embody the right values and a steadfast purpose who can inspire all of us to reach for the greater good, even when the journey is tough, fraught with uncertainties and not often appreciated.

6.Today, Singapore's story is one of relentless determination to defy the odds of history. To many of you who are steeped in history, you will know that history has never been kind nor charitable to the fate of small nation states, like ours. Especially those without natural hinterland, natural resources, who are land-locked and without a common ancestry. We are not exactly, in Singapore, riding the flow or tide of history.

7.Perhaps tonight is your first time in Singapore, or perhaps you have visited or worked with us before. It is easy to overlook what an improbable story we are. We have a short history - only 59 years. Every day, we must earn our right to continue to exist. To maintain our lifelines to the world, where we are both air-locked and sea-locked, we need to constantly invent new propositions for others to want to work with us and not threaten us, to forge a cohesive and harmonious society from a tapestry of diverse talents and cultures.

8.My 87-year-old mother has sung four different national anthems in her lifetime, without ever leaving the shores of Singapore. She and her generation are a living chronicle of our evolving identity, our tribulations, and our determination to forge a better future for ourselves.

9.Our aspirations extend beyond just being a mere survivor. Instead, we want to bring along every Singaporean with us and we endeavour to make a difference - to be a force for good in the global community.

10.We are committed to ensuring that every individual who joins us in this journey, this Singaporean adventure, has the opportunity to realise their potential. Through trusted and competent governance, safety and security, and equitable access to essential services, from education to healthcare and others, we lay the foundation for each person to thrive and for our collective endeavors to bear fruit.

11.In a world that is fracturing, we aim to be a unifying force, a beacon of connection and collaboration. Our partnership with the World Economic Forum is a reflection of this commitment, as we nurture the leaders who will shape a better tomorrow, together.

12.In our pursuit of "Singapore Unlimited," we aim to transcend our size, resources, and geography. Rather, we are driven by our vision to innovate, to connect, to have exemplary governance, to take principled actions that engender trust with partners and a cohesive society that delivers on our promises.

13.Together, these elements will empower us to transcend the limitations of history and we can show the world what a small city-state can achieve and to be a source of inspiration to those who have more resources than us.

14.As we look to the future, we invite you to join in this journey -whether as family, friends, or fans/ supporters of Singapore and Singapore community, -in building a Singapore that can inspire a better world with our shared ideals, beyond our material success.