Shoprite Holdings Ltd.

11/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/19/2024 01:21

World-class Checkers Hyper relaunches as largest in South Africa

Additional instore departments include pool and gardening sections, TechX and an extensive selection of small appliances including Snomaster ice makers, Nespresso coffee machines as well as Smeg toasters and kettles.

The Money Market counter offers customers a wide range of value-added services, including payment of municipal accounts, money transfers, prepaid data, airtime or electricity, purchasing gift cards or savings stamps, buying tickets, and even taking out insurance.

The store is managed by 23-year retail veteran, Charmaine Achary, who started working for the retailer as a cashier when she was a 17-year-old high school student. Just three years after matriculating, she was promoted to Trainee Manager, rapidly moving through the ranks to first be appointed as a Branch Manager in 2015.

Checkers Hyper Gateway's trading hours are 08:00 - 20:00 from Mondays to Sundays.