04/03/2012 | Press release | Archived content
The key achievements of the organisation in 2011 included the delivery of 658 scientific outputs EFSA, 58% of which were related to regulated products, an indicator of the continuing importance of this activity to EFSA. Resources were put to effective use as evidenced by an end-of-year budget commitment approaching 99% and a payment level of more than 82%. The execution of the scientific cooperation lagged 15% behind target and a new multi-annual strategic approach to budget planning in this area has been set out in Management Plan 2012. In terms of human resources, the recruitment plan was executed to 92% (excluding seconded national experts), with 428 of 465 total positions occupied or under offer. In December, a significant landmark was achieved with the signing of the purchase agreement for EFSA?s new premises. EFSA staff moved to the new premises during the end-of-year holiday period and began to operate from there at the start of January 2012 with no loss of business continuity. While the final number of scientific outputs was lower than that anticipated in Management Plan 2011 (847), this was due mainly to non-receipt of mandates, delays in the enactment of legislation and requests for additional data. Workload and resource absorption remained high in view of the changes in priorities agreed with the European Commission such as the redeployment of resources to address the E. coli outbreak.