MoDOT - Missouri Department of Transportation

09/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/09/2024 10:26

Roadway safety grant funding available for mid-Missouri

Applications for central region accepted now through end of September

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo - Grant funding is available to mid-Missouri agencies, businesses, and organizations that are in need ofresources to further promote roadway safety. The CentralCoalition for Roadway Safety's community grants are open for submission now through the end of September.

The Central Coalition for Roadway Safety is a diverse partnership of safety advocates spanning 18 counties dedicated to making roadways throughout the mid-Missouri region safer. The Coalition's goal is to end traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roadways. Missouri's Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Show-Me Zero, outlines the state's plan for achieving success by implementing strategies most effective at mitigating the behaviors and issues most commonly associatedwith fatal and serious injurycrashes in Missouri. Zero fatalities isour goal. Anything else is simply unacceptable.

Grant requests must address at least one of the emphasis areas identifiedin the Show-Me Zero strategic highway safety plan. These include occupant protection, distracted driving, speed and aggressive driving, and impaired driving. Learn more:

Law enforcement, health departments, community groups, businesses, non-profits, organizations, and more are eligible to apply for these funds. Funding is limited, with a $5,000 maximumaward amount and other additionallimitations placed on certain types of projects. For instance, Project Graduation and alternative prom events can receive up to $200 in grant funds and $100 in give-away incentives. School docudramas that demonstratethe effects of distracted driving, impaired driving,and riding unbelted can request up to $700.

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Published On
Mon, 09/09/2024 - 06:01
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