04/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/09/2024 08:18

Exhibiting at 'ECONOSEC JAPAN 2024' - Presenting AI solutions to address economic security challenges...


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Exhibiting at "ECONOSEC JAPAN 2024" - Proposing AI solutions to address economic security challenges

Masahiro Morimoto, President and CEO
2-12-23 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(Code number: 2158 TSE Growth)

FRONTEO is the Economic Security Measures Conference and Exhibition "ECONOSEC JAPAN 2024We are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting and speaking at the conference.

By using our proprietary technology to visualize vast amounts of information and risks lurking in networks, we support companies and institutions in making strategic decisions related to economic security.

At the exhibition booth, we will be showcasing our economic security AI solution "KIBIT Seizu AnalysisWe will introduce supply chain analysis, shareholder control network analysis, and researcher network analysis by.

At the conference, Toru Hisamitsu, General Manager of Research and Development at our Economic Security Office, will be speaking in "Session II: Building Economic Security Intelligence in Companies: Know-how for Information Collection and Analysis" and "Executive Committee Presentation: Complex Risk Analysis of People, Things, and Money for Economic Security."

Date and time: Thursday, September 2024th and Friday, September 9th, 12
Location: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho Hall 
Official website:
      ・Visitor registration:
      Conference Program:
Note: This event requires advance registration. To attend, you must register and apply for screening. Please refer to the official website for details.

■FRONTEO Exhibition Booth
Booth number: B-1

■FRONTEO Presentation

Session II
Theme: "Building economic and security intelligence in companies: know-how for collecting and analyzing information"
Date: September 2024, 9 (Friday) 13:10-30:11
Location: Main Conference Hall A
Speakers: Toru Hisamitsu (Director of Research and Development, Economic Security Office) and others

Presentation by Executive Committee
Theme: "Complex risk analysis of people, goods, and money for economic security"
Date: September 2024, 9 (Friday) 13:12-00:12
Location: Main Conference Hall A
Speaker: Toru Hisamitsu