National Lawyer's Guild Inc.

09/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 14:48

National Lawyers Guild Public Statement On Camp Resolution Sweep

In a horrific display of state violence, the City of Sacramento forcefully evicted Camp Resolution on August 26th, 2024. In just one morning, forty-eight people (primarily women with disabilities) lost their homes, stability, belongings, and access to community and services. During the sweep, Sacramento Police Department arrested four people, including NLG Vice President Khanstoshea Zingapan and a Camp Resolution resident. All four arrestees were Black or Brown.

The City of Sacramento - the owner of the lot as well as the trailers - had previously committed to permanently housing all residents of Camp Resolution, and promised they would not sweep the lot until that commitment had been fulfilled. They chose instead to dismantle and atomize a tight-knit community that for nearly two years had provided stability and opportunity for so many, and plan to revert it back into an empty lot.

This is the direct reality of choosing sweeps over stabilization. For Camp Resolution residents, the City of Sacramento chose surveillance helicopters over running water. Tow trucks over electricity. Police overtime over toilets. Bobcats over showers. Code enforcement over disability services. A day of immeasurable and irreparable harm over actual housing.

The sweep of Camp Resolution will kill people. Shame on the City of Sacramento.