IFJ - International Federation of Journalists

10/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/28/2024 06:07

IFJ in the news

28 October 2024

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 22 October to 28 October 2024.


Will the US president pressure Israel to allow foreign journalists into Gaza? | Inside Story- Al Jazeera

Will the US pressure Israel to allow foreign journalists into Gaza?- Al Jazeera

U.S. lawmakers demand Israel open Gaza to foreign journalists- The New Arab

Over 60 House Democrats Call on Biden to Ensure International Media Access to Gaza- KDRTV

'Silence is complicity': Why US should stop enabling Israel's attacks on press- Freedom of the Press Foundation

October 25, 2024 Israel strikes Iran in high-stakes retaliation- CNN

Condemnations pour in after IOF target, kill Lebanese journalists- Al Mayadeen

"War crime" in Lebanon: Israel kills three journalists in their sleep- Shafaq

Three more journalists killed in Israeli strike on Lebanon- Newsbook Malta

Niall Sargent: Gaza reporters are in Israel's crosshairs. Our media can no longer stay silent- The Currency

US Lawmakers Demand Israel Open Gaza to Foreign Journalists- Clarion India

US Demands Media Access and Aid for Gaza Amid Systematic Liquidation by Israeli Forces- Great Reporter

Is the UK government creating a 'Stasi' police force to silence Israel's critics?- Middle East Monitor

UK Media Union Condemns Use of Terror Laws Against Press- OCCRP

IHRC writes to UN over UK crackdown on pro-Palestine activists- Islamic Human Rights Commission

Four world organizations for freedom of the media, together react to the case of Klan Kosova - Telegrafi

Backstory: If Some Media Outlets Call Muslim Citizens 'Outsiders,' Others Should Defeat That Project- The Wire

Afghan Journalist's Family Says Wafa Released From Taliban's Custody- Afghanistan International

International Organisations Denounce Yemeni Journalist's Unjust Death Sentence- Yemen TDY

Turkey: Press freedom and freedom of expression groups, media outlets and civil society condemn regulator's decision to shutter Açık Radyo- ECPMF


Crimes et violations contre le journalisme en Palestine depuis le début de la guerre génocidaire- Presse Gauche

Comment Israël veut rendre "invisible" le génocide à Gaza- TRT Francais

Médias mainstream : Pour défendre Israël, tout est permis !- Le Média en 4-4-2

Stop à la guerre et au ciblage des journalistes au Proche-Orient- LDH

Turquie : fermeture d'Açık Radyo, reflet du musellement médiatique d'Erdogan- L'Humanité

Le Prix Daphne Caruana Galizia décerné à une enquête sur la disparition d'enfants migrants - European Parliament

Le Prix Daphne Caruana Galizia décerné à une enquête sur la disparition d'enfants migrants - Le Post

Media/Niger: des journalistes formés à Zinder pour mieux couvrir la migration- Niamey.com


La ONU está "alarmada" por el "asesinato" de tres periodistas en Líbano en ataques del Ejército israelí- Info Bae

Resumen de la guerra entre Israel y Hezbollah y la situación en Líbano y Gaza del 25 de octubre- CNN Español

Israel mata a tres periodistas en un bombardeo en el sureste de Líbano- El Mundo

La FAPE condena el asesinato de periodistas y trabajadores de prensa en el sur del Líbano- La Vanguardia

La FAPE condena el asesinato de periodistas y trabajadores de prensa en el sur del Líbano y pide una investigación "inmediata"- Servimedia

La FAPE exige una "investigación inmediata" sobre el asesinato de 3 periodistas en Líbano- Info Bae

La FAPE pide investigar el asesinato de tres periodistas en un ataque de Israel contra el Líbano- Filo.news

Una investigación sobre niños migrantes desaparecidos gana el Premio de Periodismo Daphne Caruana Galizia 2024- Parlamento Europeo

En el marco de su 80º aniversario APU reclama "garantizar la seguridad y libertad de prensa en Uruguay"- PIT-CNT

Periodistas se forman para combatir los estereotipos sexistas en comunicación política- Asociación de la Prensa de Málaga

Políticos, sacerdotes y periodistas víctimas de la violencia- Periódico Veraz

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