Vanderbilt University

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 13:12

Limited Submission Opportunity: 2025 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program

Applications due Oct. 17, 2024

These instructions are for VU investigators. VUMC faculty should contact [email protected] for more information.

Vanderbilt University may nominateone faculty member in the chemical sciences for the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program.


The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences with an unrestricted research grant of $100,000. Nominations must provide compelling evidence that the nominee's independent scholarly research has led to important advances in the chemical sciences and will continue to do so. Other considered factors are: awards and honors, publication of research achievements in leading journals, success in attracting research funding, and dedication and contributions to education in the chemical sciences, particularly with respect to undergraduates and the larger community.

The chemical sciences include chemistry, biochemistry, materials chemistry and chemical engineering.

Award information:

  • The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award provides a $100,000 unrestricted research grant to the Awardee.
  • Of the total amount, $7,500 may be allocated for departmental expenses associated with research and education.
  • Charges associated with indirect costs or institutional overhead are not allowed.
  • Defrayal of academic-year salary is not permitted. Summer salary is allowed.
  • Funds are normally expended over a period of five years.
  • If the awardee leaves the institution, the transfer of the remaining funds requires prior Foundation approval.

For more information, visit the Foundation's program description and a list of previous recipients.


  • Must hold full-time tenure-track academic appointment focused on the chemical sciences
  • Expected to have been appointed no earlier than mid-year 2019
  • Renominations are accepted.

Criteria for selection include an independent body of scholarship attained in the early years of their appointment and a demonstrated commitment to education, signaling the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching.

Internal Submission Instructions

Interested faculty should click here ­­to submit an application for the internal LSO competition and to find additional information about the opportunity. The deadline for the internal competition is Oct. 17, 2024.

Any questions about this opportunity or the LSO process may be directed to [email protected].