The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

04/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 03:17

Majority of Americans Want to Strengthen or Expand US Alliances

As conflicts escalate across the globe, a new Chicago Council on Global Affairs-Ipsos survey finds Americans want to boost US security alliances with other nations.

In the May 31-June 2 poll, a majority say they believe Washington should either strengthen current US alliances (34%) or expand them (44%), even if this means the United States must make additional security commitments. Less than 20 percent say US leaders should reduce or withdraw from alliances with other countries.

Looking across self-described political affiliations, more Democrats (58%) than Republicans (37%) and Independents (39%) favor expanding alliances, but solid majorities of both see value in at least maintaining existing alliances. Independents are most likely to say the United States should reduce US security commitments or get out of alliances as soon as possible, but this is only a minority view (24% Independents, 16% Republicans, 12% Democrats).

Indeed, these recent data track with previous Council polling, which has repeatedly shown that the American public values US security alliances abroad. In past surveys, majorities said they believe military alliances are an effective approach to achieve US foreign policy goals and benefit both the United States and allied states.